

Revision as of 20:44, 25 September 2012 by RenskevR (Talk | contribs)

name: Renske van Raaphorst
duty: Secretary, PR
bio: Renske did a Bachelors in Molecular Life Sciences in at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and is now doing a Masters in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology at the RuG as well.
role: Renske tends to stick her nose in everything. She likes doing weird experiments, like testing spoiling meat or building improvised setups. Further, she's in charge of the education/human practice part of iGEM.
special lab power: Renske can endure staying inside the 37 degrees room for ages. Just as Arjan, by the way. They don't smell the spoiling meat and growing bacteria anymore.
further: When she's not doing stuff for iGEM, she's most likely jamming with her band Frankly no Helix

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