Team:UNAM Genomics Mexico/pruebapepe


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<center><h1>'''Meet Mrs. Cohnnie!'''</h1></center>  
We designed and conducted a talk about Synthetic Biology to fulfill out the second approach to our overall objective of meaningful communication of Science: ’’''to have a direct dialogue with the community''’’. In order to maximize our goal, we decided that we were not following the model in which every concept is explained and detailed in order to arrive eventually to the idea of Synthetic Biology. To cover that, we already have the series of  [[Team:UNAM_Genomics_Mexico/HumanPractices/Outreach_videos | outreach videos]]. We also wanted to create an interactive environment, where the audience had an active role corresponding with us and telling us about what they had heard about the topic and what they expected from it. Our talk, more than a soliloquy from our part, has become an intimate dialogue between peers in that sense.
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The talk was given to undergraduate students from the Renewable Energies Program of the UNAM, in Temixco, Morelos, on October 24th, 2012.
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We decided that the content of this dialogue should be something else than a lecture-like activity. Similarly, we wanted that our interaction resulted in something departed from the deficit model regardless of how glamorous it could be. To achieve this, we adopted a historical approach to the topic. Therefore, our talk was divided in two sections. The first section focused on the way mankind has manipulated nature to satisfy its needs. There are three major moments that make up the first section of our talk:
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The first moment focuses on how has mankind manipulated nature through domestication, hybridization, and the generation of new varieties of plants and animals to meet up humanity’s needs for food, working aid, and even companion and ludic activities.
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The second moment of our talk focused on genetic manipulation as a way to improve the way the original manipulations were carried. Here we explained the most representative examples of genetic modification in plants, animals and bacteria.
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The last moment of our talk follows naturally as the paradigm change enters to the new way of modifying living organisms: Synthetic Biology. Here we also talked about some representative projects and ideas that have been developed within the iGEM competition, including ours.
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Here’s the Prezi presentation we used as visual aid to our talk:
<object width="526" height="374"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="bgColor" value="#ffffff"></param><param name="flashvars" value="vu=;year=2007;theme=women_reshaping_the_world;theme=master_storytellers;theme=rethinking_poverty;theme=words_about_words;theme=the_creative_spark;theme=media_that_matters;event=TED2007;tag=entertainment;tag=global+issues;tag=love;tag=parenting;tag=storytelling;tag=women;tag=world+cultures;&preAdTag=tconf.ted/embed;tile=1;sz=512x288;" /><embed src="" pluginspace="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" bgColor="#ffffff" width="526" height="374" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vu=;year=2007;theme=women_reshaping_the_world;theme=master_storytellers;theme=rethinking_poverty;theme=words_about_words;theme=the_creative_spark;theme=media_that_matters;event=TED2007;tag=entertainment;tag=global+issues;tag=love;tag=parenting;tag=storytelling;tag=women;tag=world+cultures;&preAdTag=tconf.ted/embed;tile=1;sz=512x288;"></embed></object>
::::::::::::<small> ''“Wangari Maathai goes to a village in Kenya. She talks with the women and explains that the land is barren because they have cut and sold the trees. She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop. In a matter of five or six years, they have a forest, the soil is enriched, and the village is saved. The poorest and most backward societies are always those that put women down. Yet this obvious truth is ignored by governments and also by philanthropy. For every dollar given to a women's program, 20 dollars are given to men's programs. Women are 51 percent of humankind. Empowering them will change everything -- more than technology and design and entertainment. I can promise you that women working together -- linked, informed and educated -- can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. In any war today, most of the casualties are civilians, mainly women and children. They are collateral damage. Men run the world, and look at the mess we have.”''
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:::::::::::::::::::::::Isabel Allende, in the TED Talk  “Tales of Passion”
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<h2>Who is Mrs. Cohnnie, PhD?</h2><br />
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<center><html><iframe width="480" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></html></center>
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<h2>Why Mrs. Cohnnie?</h2><br />
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As we said in our main [[Team:UNAM_Genomics_Mexico/HumanPractices | Human Practices wiki page]], one of the perceptions towards scientists we wanted to fight is that of an individual detached from society. But there is another perception we consider urgent to address, especially in the 21st century: gender bias.<br />
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Back in 2010, [ Fermilab] conducted an activity that has proven one of the most enlightening to understand the issues at stake in public perceptions of scientists. The project [ “Who's the Scientist?”] was created to invite seventh graders to the facilities of Fermilab. In the lab, children would have chance to spend a day with real scientists and talking with them (corresponding!).
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[[File:Unamgenomcisfermilab.jpg | thumb | 400px  | right | [ Amy]'s picture]]
The most interesting thing of this activity was the series of drawings presented as part of the project. Kids were asked to draw scientists before they had met them and after they had spent the whole day with them. The ''before'' set of drawings is not surprising at all: children believed that scientists fall into the stereotype of mad scientists, doing their crazy stuff. The ''after'' set of drawings is more heart-warming: children realized that scientists are just like any other person in the world, with a not-so-normal job (we think that the only difference is that we enjoy it more on average!). But there was another surprising discovery.<br />
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The majority of the ''before'' drawings are male scientists. This changed in an interesting way in the ''after'' drawings:
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*Among girls (14 in total), 36% portrayed a female scientist in the ''before'' drawing, and 57% portrayed a female scientist in the ''after'' drawing.
*Among boys (17 in total), 100% portrayed a male scientist in the ''before'' drawing, and 100% portrayed a male scientist in the ''after'' drawing.
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Although we can be certain about the change in the general perception of scientists given that there's some kind of interaction between us and society, there's a worrisome thing that still needs to be addressed in the arena of gender equality. Can these results be showing some bigger problem in gender bias and perception towards female scientists?
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<div class="prezi-player"><style type="text/css" media="screen">.prezi-player { width: 850px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }</style><object id="prezi_y1x8aj5z3x-t" name="prezi_y1x8aj5z3x-t" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="850" height="550"><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowFullScreenInteractive" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="wmode" value="direct"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="flashvars" value="prezi_id=y1x8aj5z3x-t&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"/><embed id="preziEmbed_y1x8aj5z3x-t" name="preziEmbed_y1x8aj5z3x-t" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowFullScreenInteractive="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="850" height="550" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="prezi_id=y1x8aj5z3x-t&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"></embed></object><div class="prezi-player-links"><p><a title="Vida 3.0 (Life 3.0)" href="">Vida 3.0 (Life 3.0)</a> on <a href="">Prezi</a></p></div></div>
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Gender bias in Science is an issue nowadays. And it is important to do whatever it is on our hands to fight it as well. Even academic scientists are biased against women.  As it was reported in the [ New York Times] last September, a new study suggests that science professors are widely biased against women with the same set of accomplishments and skills.
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[[File:PNAS_Yale.jpg |left| 350px | Figure taken from the original paper]]
The second section of our talk was the actual dialogue with the attendees of the talk. In this section, we addressed the beliefs and attitudes we identified through the analysis of the works of [[Team:UNAM_Genomics_Mexico/HumanPractices/BiosintetizarteEN | BiosintetizARTE]]. We spoke about the good and bad uses of technology, focusing on what they had heard and what they wanted to know. We also spoke about the common criticism raised about “playing god” with our work. We also discussed and chatted about the value of nature, the role of natural selection, and how evolution has shaped our lives and the lives of the organisms around us.
The study, titled [ '''''"Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students"'''''], and published in PNAS by researchers in Yale University, sought to test scientists' reactions to male and female job applicants through a randomized, double-blind study. In it, academic scientists were given application materials from a student applying for a lab manager position. The applications were identical, but some had female names, and some had male names. The dismal results went like this: female applicants were rated lower by both male and female scientists than male applicants on scales of competence, hiring, and mentoring.
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In a world where we have agreed to treat people equally when they show the same abilities, this is simply '''unacceptable'''.
Public Perception analysis.
As a way to get feedback and make better talks in the future, we conducted a survey on the attendees of the talk in which we asked before the talk what have they heard about Synthetic Biology and Genetic Modifications in general, and then we asked if their perception (if any) about Synthetic Biology and Genetic Modification had changed after having the interaction with us and how would they explain how Synthetic Biology is to any person who couldn’t attend the talk.
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The first question was asked to get two insights from the attendees of the talk: If they had heard anything about Synthetic Biology, and what had they heard. Answers to this question range from those who claim not knowing or having heard anything, and those who had heard about transgenic organisms and, we quote, “''corporations that want to introduce pig genes into apples to make their skin harder''”. The analysis of the answers given to us reflects a general bias toward mentioning only transgenic organisms as examples of Genetic Modification and Synthetic Biology. This finding is not gratuitous, and actually it is what we expected. Debate about Genetic Modification in Mexico has centered in the use of transgenic corn for many years, and the popular imaginary is highly influenced by reaction groups that express their views for and against the practice, although in a rarely rational manner. Precisely, this expectation made us, in the first place, design the talk with the historical approach detailed above.
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The other two questions were designed to achieve the following insights: When asked about how they would explain Synthetic Biology to a person not attending the talk, we wanted to know how much would they explain the topic and if any subconscious expectation, fear or hope could be identified in the way they described it. The other question, if they had any change in their point of view about the topic, also served to gain insight into the hidden fears, hopes and hypes that might be difficult to get from a direct question.
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How to solve a problem like this? In the [ NYT's Room for Debate] devoted to the issue described above, two debaters caught our eye. First, [ '''Dennis Berkey'''] argued that female students need to be put in leadership roles, and that ''"strong institutional and personal commitments are essential to ameliorating gender bias"'' as well. Similarly, [ '''Janelle Wilson'''] stated that female role models should be sought, since ''"positive influences and mentors for girls in elementary and middle schools can counteract long-standing cultural norms."''
Preeliminary Results
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Our preliminary results indicate a main finding:
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<h2>Mrs. Cohnnie, the new face of science</h2>
The change in public perception can be achieved through our method of science communication. For those who answered positively the first question about knowledge of Synthetic Biology, we found that before the talk they had the usual reservations about the technology discussed in our [[Team:UNAM_Genomics_Mexico/HumanPractices/BiosintetizarteEN | BiosintetizARTE]] analysis. This means that the perception is consistent among the population. Nevertheless, after the talk, we found many of our attendees had reduced their reservations to those we would have discussed with them, and the worries about pig-skinned apples had been buffered.
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After the talk, we could identify that our approach helped in general to alleviate the concerns that the attendees had about the topic. Among the comments we received, we0d like to share the following:
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[[File:UnamgenomicsmissLogomujer.png | thumb | left | 250px | Mrs. Cohnnie’s name was inspired by one of the discoverers of ''B. subtilis'', [ Ferdinand Cohn] (well, actually the one that renamed it as ''Bacillus''). <br /> Her first name is "Lupita", a very Mexican name!]]
''you gave me a broader panorama, since I though it was more physically esthetic. But it isn't, it is synthetical because they are very small manipulable parts to have modifications in a situation that is beneficial for the population. Note: I liked it a lot. :) Thank you for giving us this talk.''
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When deciding the image (or as some call it, ''“mascot”'' ) of our team, we discovered that female icons, slogans or ''“mascots”''  have been underrepresented at iGEM. Thus, we decided that our main “friend, advisor and companion” had to be a female PhD, with a normal life, who [ likes going to the beach and enjoys spending time outside in the winter]. Our ''“mascot”'' is Mrs. Cohnnie, PhD. Yale's paper on gender bias came as a confirmation on what we had already discussed with our advisors and instructors. When we claim that Mrs. Cohnnie is the '''''"new face of science"''''', we are not suggesting a void or a cheesy marketing scheme. We are trying to make a categorical statement
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Future talks
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This might not be a breakthrough activity, or a massive campaign in favor of feminism. it might be considered a small step towards that personal commitment to raise awareness about the gender discrimination within the sciences. People who have seen so far Mrs. Cohnnie and learnt about the current situation have been made aware of gender bias in the images and practice of science. We hope that any iGEM team that reaches this page in the future would consider doing something as little as choosing a feminine mascot to fight gender biased perceptions of scientists as well, as well as having a conversation among their peers, advisors, instructors, teachers, and even PIs to walk ahead towards an egalitarian, almost perfect community.
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Make sure to visit the section of [[Team:UNAM_Genomics_Mexico/HumanPractices/Future_Work | future work]] to find out the next steps in this project!
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Latest revision as of 08:06, 20 October 2012



We designed and conducted a talk about Synthetic Biology to fulfill out the second approach to our overall objective of meaningful communication of Science: ’’to have a direct dialogue with the community’’. In order to maximize our goal, we decided that we were not following the model in which every concept is explained and detailed in order to arrive eventually to the idea of Synthetic Biology. To cover that, we already have the series of outreach videos. We also wanted to create an interactive environment, where the audience had an active role corresponding with us and telling us about what they had heard about the topic and what they expected from it. Our talk, more than a soliloquy from our part, has become an intimate dialogue between peers in that sense.

The talk was given to undergraduate students from the Renewable Energies Program of the UNAM, in Temixco, Morelos, on October 24th, 2012.

We decided that the content of this dialogue should be something else than a lecture-like activity. Similarly, we wanted that our interaction resulted in something departed from the deficit model regardless of how glamorous it could be. To achieve this, we adopted a historical approach to the topic. Therefore, our talk was divided in two sections. The first section focused on the way mankind has manipulated nature to satisfy its needs. There are three major moments that make up the first section of our talk:

The first moment focuses on how has mankind manipulated nature through domestication, hybridization, and the generation of new varieties of plants and animals to meet up humanity’s needs for food, working aid, and even companion and ludic activities.

The second moment of our talk focused on genetic manipulation as a way to improve the way the original manipulations were carried. Here we explained the most representative examples of genetic modification in plants, animals and bacteria.

The last moment of our talk follows naturally as the paradigm change enters to the new way of modifying living organisms: Synthetic Biology. Here we also talked about some representative projects and ideas that have been developed within the iGEM competition, including ours.

Here’s the Prezi presentation we used as visual aid to our talk:

The second section of our talk was the actual dialogue with the attendees of the talk. In this section, we addressed the beliefs and attitudes we identified through the analysis of the works of BiosintetizARTE. We spoke about the good and bad uses of technology, focusing on what they had heard and what they wanted to know. We also spoke about the common criticism raised about “playing god” with our work. We also discussed and chatted about the value of nature, the role of natural selection, and how evolution has shaped our lives and the lives of the organisms around us.

Public Perception analysis. As a way to get feedback and make better talks in the future, we conducted a survey on the attendees of the talk in which we asked before the talk what have they heard about Synthetic Biology and Genetic Modifications in general, and then we asked if their perception (if any) about Synthetic Biology and Genetic Modification had changed after having the interaction with us and how would they explain how Synthetic Biology is to any person who couldn’t attend the talk.

The first question was asked to get two insights from the attendees of the talk: If they had heard anything about Synthetic Biology, and what had they heard. Answers to this question range from those who claim not knowing or having heard anything, and those who had heard about transgenic organisms and, we quote, “corporations that want to introduce pig genes into apples to make their skin harder”. The analysis of the answers given to us reflects a general bias toward mentioning only transgenic organisms as examples of Genetic Modification and Synthetic Biology. This finding is not gratuitous, and actually it is what we expected. Debate about Genetic Modification in Mexico has centered in the use of transgenic corn for many years, and the popular imaginary is highly influenced by reaction groups that express their views for and against the practice, although in a rarely rational manner. Precisely, this expectation made us, in the first place, design the talk with the historical approach detailed above.

The other two questions were designed to achieve the following insights: When asked about how they would explain Synthetic Biology to a person not attending the talk, we wanted to know how much would they explain the topic and if any subconscious expectation, fear or hope could be identified in the way they described it. The other question, if they had any change in their point of view about the topic, also served to gain insight into the hidden fears, hopes and hypes that might be difficult to get from a direct question.

Preeliminary Results

Our preliminary results indicate a main finding:
The change in public perception can be achieved through our method of science communication. For those who answered positively the first question about knowledge of Synthetic Biology, we found that before the talk they had the usual reservations about the technology discussed in our BiosintetizARTE analysis. This means that the perception is consistent among the population. Nevertheless, after the talk, we found many of our attendees had reduced their reservations to those we would have discussed with them, and the worries about pig-skinned apples had been buffered.
After the talk, we could identify that our approach helped in general to alleviate the concerns that the attendees had about the topic. Among the comments we received, we0d like to share the following:
you gave me a broader panorama, since I though it was more physically esthetic. But it isn't, it is synthetical because they are very small manipulable parts to have modifications in a situation that is beneficial for the population. Note: I liked it a lot. :) Thank you for giving us this talk.


Future talks

Make sure to visit the section of future work to find out the next steps in this project!