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<li>Xiong AS, Peng RH, Cheng ZM, Li Y, Liu JG, Zhuang J, Gao F, Xu F, Qiao YS, Zhang Z, Chen JM, Yao QH. Concurrent mutations in six amino acids in beta-glucuronidase improve its thermostability. Protein Eng Des Sel. 2007 Jul;20(7):319-25. Epub 2007 Jun 8. </li><br>
<li>Xiong AS, Peng RH, Cheng ZM, Li Y, Liu JG, Zhuang J, Gao F, Xu F, Qiao YS, Zhang Z, Chen JM, Yao QH. Concurrent mutations in six amino acids in beta-glucuronidase improve its thermostability. Protein Eng Des Sel. 2007 Jul;20(7):319-25. Epub 2007 Jun 8. </li><br>
<li>Xu P, Yu P, Li FP, Cai XF, Ma CQ. Microbial degradation of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen heterocycles. Trends in Microbiology 2006; 14(9):398-405.</li><br>
<li>Yoshimura F, Nikaido H. Permeability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane to hydrophilic solutes. J Bacteriol. 1982 Nov;152(2):636-42. </li><br>
<li>Yoshimura F, Nikaido H. Permeability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane to hydrophilic solutes. J Bacteriol. 1982 Nov;152(2):636-42. </li><br>

Revision as of 09:37, 3 October 2012

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