Team:UNAM Genomics Mexico/BioSintetizarteEN/Finalists/JonathanPadilla
Congratulations Jonathan Padilla Gomez
Jonathan Padilla - Un mundo mejor |
“Un mundo mejor” by Jonathan Padilla, 2012.
Synthetic biology opens new possibilities in the design and construction of new systems that not yet exist in nature, this, from existing building blocks. This ability of the created systems acting as a dynamic unit by the interaction of its constituent blocks allows them to perform new functions more easily and efficiently. Using genetic engineering with a basic engineering view, in the current project of the team UNAM-Genomics Mexico for iGEM competition, an innovative discovery is being used; bacterial cells acting as a tissue when communicating via nanotubes, which had not been seen before in any bacteria. This capability of interchange molecules between bacteria of the same and different species could be used to create a complex network between bacteria and higher organisms, which would certainly be a major step in the evolution. The applications of synthetic biology are legion and range from detection and degradation of toxic compounds in the environment, the creation of biofuels, to the generation of medicines and bioremediation to return an altered environment by pollution to its natural condition, creating undoubtedly a better world.