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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ac neque felis, non varius quam. Cras tempor orci eu turpis dictum a ullamcorper ipsum suscipit. Fusce in enim nulla, mollis iaculis sapien. Duis eu diam in magna cursus vulputate. Pellentesque vehicula leo vulputate odio semper in fermentum tellus ultrices. Aenean eleifend sagittis enim, non pharetra lectus auctor at. Morbi sagittis ipsum ac felis commodo ac blandit tellus egestas. Duis ac neque odio. Phasellus eleifend, risus ac laoreet lacinia, metus nibh tincidunt nulla, vitae accumsan diam nulla nec velit. Fusce volutpat pellentesque diam at blandit. Donec velit est, hendrerit vel fringilla sed, volutpat at leo.
Maecenas pulvinar mattis dolor, gravida aliquet ante ultrices nec. Phasellus ornare massa eget tellus feugiat varius. Nullam est velit, faucibus eget sodales a, adipiscing sed ante. Mauris non leo tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras vulputate feugiat adipiscing. In eget nulla in nisi posuere ultricies. Cras commodo nulla ut est interdum scelerisque. Vestibulum bibendum facilisis risus, iaculis tempus magna fringilla sit amet.
<h1> Notebook </h1>
Pellentesque neque quam, tincidunt eget malesuada vel, bibendum ac massa. Sed in enim eros. Phasellus eleifend felis egestas magna lacinia id dictum magna viverra. Duis id justo vel erat placerat pulvinar sit amet id velit. Ut imperdiet diam id tellus molestie accumsan. Etiam scelerisque sem nec nunc dictum ultrices. Fusce pharetra consectetur diam, et volutpat sapien elementum quis. Donec id vehicula ante. Aenean mi mauris, bibendum a facilisis vel, laoreet et est.
Greetings iGEMers,</br>
Aenean et gravida nibh. Vivamus massa leo, sagittis ut porta a, lacinia sit amet dolor. Quisque ac enim est, nec molestie purus. Quisque convallis malesuada accumsan. Fusce nec neque libero, vel scelerisque dolor. Vivamus id enim nibh. Cras malesuada urna in augue dictum sed sodales metus vehicula. Duis sit amet dolor vel mauris sagittis semper quis eget diam. Donec sit amet sem at urna rhoncus commodo. Fusce mi lorem, feugiat non adipiscing quis, iaculis a est. Vestibulum ultrices, nisi at sagittis mattis, ligula sapien consectetur est, a elementum arcu enim ut lacus. Vestibulum gravida lectus et lectus interdum ac pulvinar lacus consectetur. Sed justo odio, fermentum vel scelerisque id, cursus in libero. Nam ut quam a sapien sodales ultrices eget eget metus. Curabitur non magna metus, in malesuada massa.
on these pages you will be able to read our lab book (for your greatest pleasure of course)(probably the next world's bestseller !!!).</br>
In ut nunc vitae turpis sagittis luctus nec nec orci. Ut posuere, orci non cursus iaculis, nulla orci commodo augue, eu venenatis lacus orci a diam. Donec et sapien id sem iaculis blandit vitae id libero. Donec id eros sit amet massa condimentum tincidunt. Integer feugiat nulla vitae est accumsan commodo. Vivamus scelerisque enim quis purus scelerisque varius. Quisque in vestibulum lectus. Pellentesque sed ligula quis magna suscipit porta non quis lacus. Maecenas molestie bibendum sem sed pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Nam nec suscipit urna. Aliquam pretium dapibus nunc, sed vehicula erat sagittis a. Sed adipiscing varius magna sed congue. Cras imperdiet feugiat dui.  
In order to make the notebook as easy to read as possible; we decided to divide it into groups (Months). Each of them are divided into  subgroups (Weeks).</br>
Each subgroup will have a short summary, so you don't have to get through the whole notebook in order to find the good stuff! </br>
<h2> June </h2>
<a href=""> Week 23 </a>: Choice and description of the  project. </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 24 </a>: RsmA-rsmY system (amplifier) design and research on a possible detection module. </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 25 </a>: Second amplifier design (cAMP-CRP system). </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 26 </a>: Detection module description. Planning of first experiments.</br>
<h2> July </h2>
<a href=""> Week 27 </a>: Test PCR conditions, recovering and amplifying the biobricks involved in our genetic networks --> no significant results. </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 28 </a>: Recovery and amplification of the different biobricks --> Amplification of pLAC (fha1) // pLAC (rsmY) // pLAC_RBS // RsmA // rsmY // pSB1A3 // pSB3C5 (Cya) // pSB3C5 (RsmA). </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 29 </a>: Gibson assembly, transformation, amplification and recovery of biobricks --> successful Gibson Assembly: pLAC_RBS_RsmA on pSB3C5.</br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 30 </a>: Amplification of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya // fha // pSB4C5.</br>
<h2> August </h2>
<a href=""> Week 31 </a>: Amplification of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya // fha // pSB4C5 (fha). </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 32 </a>: Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya. </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 33 </a>: Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya  and  pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ.</br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 34 </a>: Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya  and  pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ.</br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 35 </a>: Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya  and  pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ. Start of the double mutant strains construction.</br>
<h2> September </h2>
<a href=""> Week 36 </a>: Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya  and  pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ. Double mutant strains construction.<!-- </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 37 </a>: </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 38 </a>: </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 39 </a>: </br> -->
<h2> October </h2>
<a href=""> Week 40 </a>: </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 41 </a>: </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 42 </a>: </br> </br>
<a href=""> Week 43 </a>: </br>

Latest revision as of 03:05, 27 September 2012

iGEM Grenoble 2012



Greetings iGEMers,
on these pages you will be able to read our lab book (for your greatest pleasure of course)(probably the next world's bestseller !!!).
In order to make the notebook as easy to read as possible; we decided to divide it into groups (Months). Each of them are divided into subgroups (Weeks).
Each subgroup will have a short summary, so you don't have to get through the whole notebook in order to find the good stuff!


Week 23 : Choice and description of the project.

Week 24 : RsmA-rsmY system (amplifier) design and research on a possible detection module.

Week 25 : Second amplifier design (cAMP-CRP system).

Week 26 : Detection module description. Planning of first experiments.


Week 27 : Test PCR conditions, recovering and amplifying the biobricks involved in our genetic networks --> no significant results.

Week 28 : Recovery and amplification of the different biobricks --> Amplification of pLAC (fha1) // pLAC (rsmY) // pLAC_RBS // RsmA // rsmY // pSB1A3 // pSB3C5 (Cya) // pSB3C5 (RsmA).

Week 29 : Gibson assembly, transformation, amplification and recovery of biobricks --> successful Gibson Assembly: pLAC_RBS_RsmA on pSB3C5.

Week 30 : Amplification of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya // fha // pSB4C5.


Week 31 : Amplification of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya // fha // pSB4C5 (fha).

Week 32 : Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya.

Week 33 : Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya and pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ.

Week 34 : Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya and pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ.

Week 35 : Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya and pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ. Start of the double mutant strains construction.


Week 36 : Amplification and assembly of pAra/Bad_RBS_GFP // RBS_Cya and pompC // mcherry and Tap // EnvZ. Double mutant strains construction.