Team:Groningen/Modeling labwork


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Modeling-Labwork Cooperation

Unlike previous years, there is a direct link between theory and practice.

The modeling team of one will provide to the lab:

  1. Creation, and critical analysis, of the reaction pathways from literature.
  • Identification
  1. of the metabolites necessary to support growth. (Done: D-Glucose, Water, Glutamine, Potassium)
  2. of the metabolites required for the reporter.
  3. of the metabolites required for germination.
  4. of the conditions for sporulation.
  • Quantification
  1. Rates of nutrient consumption versus temperature and biomass.
  2. Amount of O2 required, and the corresponding volume of air.
  3. Plot of growth rate vs. temperature.
  4. Plot of biomass amount vs. time
    1. Superimpose curves with different starting medium concentration.
    2. Indicate the points at which sporulation occurs.

The lab will provide to the modeling team:

  1. TnrA concentration as a function of extracellular glutamine concentration.
  2. Growth rate as a function of extracellular glutamine and potassium concentrations.
  3. Rates of volatile production as a function of meat type and volume.