Team:UNAM Genomics Mexico/HumanPractices/Partners


Revision as of 23:13, 26 October 2012 by Abieltega (Talk | contribs)


Our Partners, Sponsors and Friends.

We would like to send a shout out to the people whose help and support helped us in the realization of this project.

[ Government of the State of Tamaulipas], [ Instituto Tamaulipeco para la Cultura y las Artes] and the [ COTACYT] Consejo Tamaulipeco de Ciencia y Tecnología for their support and sponsorship with BioSintetizArte and their hosting of the exhibitions and the talks in the future.


[ Government of the State of Tamaulipas]

UnamgenomicsLOGO ITC.jpg

[ Instituto Tamaulipeco para la Cultura y las Artes]



The non-profit organizations [ Más Ciencia por México] and [ Academia de Ciencias de Morelos] for their support in the outreach strategy and finding places to present our talks.


[ Más Ciencia por México]


[ Academia de Ciencias de Morelos]

To our university and our program, the [ Center for Genomic Sciences] and [ Licenciatura en Ciencias Genómicas] for their everlasting support in every possible way!

We would like to thank profoundly the following people that, at some point of the project, helped us with their perspectives, ideas, connections, and their helping hands.

  • A big thank you to our panelists, Julia, Martín, David and Alejandra, for accepting the invitation to be part of this proyect
  • Karla Cedano and everyone at Inno-ba, for their precise and insightful comments, as well as helping with the diffusion of our events with the press.
  • Meztli Matadamas, for helping us with our videos and bearing with us through our moments of sheer stress.

Collaboration with the University of Cornell.

We collaborated with the Teams of the University of Cornell, SDU-Denmark and University of Illinois, in the production of a Podcast about some of the ethical, social, and environmental implications of large-scale genetic engineering projects in modern society by creating a series of videos accessible to the general public. Our topic was the Genetic Modified Organisms. We want to thank them for this opportunity. You can watch the video here:

Transgenic Organisms

Collaboration with the University of Munchen

We were awarded the “most famous Original Bavarian Collaboration-Medal for answering the survey about Bioparts they sent us.

This team completed TU Munich's survey on Standardization of BioBrick part descriptions

Fiends TEAM