Team:Fudan Lux/Notebook


Revision as of 14:53, 25 September 2012 by GemmaA (Talk | contribs)


Note Book Tabs

We summarized our recent brain storm result. At last we chose to make a light-signal oscillator testin E.coli and possibilities to use nanotubes. The first thing for the next week is to find an efficient light sensor and a stable lighting part.

Discuss the establishment of the gene circuits.


Get lux without operon and promoter from k325909 by PCR. We used longPCR Enzyme and Overlapping PCR.

Measure the growth curve of dH5a transformed by lux with araBAD (k325909)


Transform tetR (C0040) from the kit. Transfer araBAD (I0500) and tetR (C0040) with RBS into pSB1C3 by 3A ligation. Transform it into dH5a.

Transfer tetR with promoter and RFP with ptetO as promoter (J61002) into pSB1C3 by 3A ligation. Transform it into dH5a.

Sorry to find the ligation is failed. But fortunately, we decide to change the reporter into GFP (I13522). Transform the plasmid from the kit into dH5a.

Design protein composed by lov domain and modified helix turn helix (abbr. lov-HTH).


Design protein composed by lov domain and tetR (abbr. lov-tetR).

Send the synthetic orders to the gene synthesis company.

Half of our members went to Tianmu Mount, Zhejiang Province. They spent a week there to participate a fieldwork organized by the Life Science Institute. During the fieldwork, they paid a lot of attention to a China’s specific firefly, Qiongyuying. They observed the behavior of Qiongyuying, especially the synchrony.


Our instructor and four of our members went to meet Richard J Roberts after the reward ceremony of COMBREX, a project to accelerate the functional annotation of prokaryotic genomes. They talked for about an hour and we presented our project to him. Richard advised that we should make our project more practical and functional.


After negotiating with the principal of volunteer teaching program in our institute, one of our members, with all members of Fudan_Lux’s hope and responsibility on his shoulders, went to Shangrao, Jiangxi Province to do the volunteer teaching.

test test

Make an appointment with Li Jin, Hongyan Wang etc. to show our projects.

Receive lov-HTH in nonstandard vector.

Design primers to make clones of lov-HTH, and transfer lov-HTH with double terminators into pSB1C3.

Receive lov-tetR in nonstandard vector.

Do double digestion by E.coliI HF and SpeI, and transfer lov-tetR into pSB1C3.

Make an appointment with prof. Guoping Zhao, who establishes China’s first synthesis biology laboratory in Shanghai. He talked directly about the impropriation of our tumor project and the lack of application about our biowave project.

The double digestion and the ligation held us for more than 4 weeks!


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