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Safety in the lab

Working with GMO’s and microbiology is obligated to be done under safe conditions. The European union made a directive that insures the safety for the researcher, the laboratory and the environment. The directive however is very comprehensive and very detailed. To make a good and safe work environment the Rijksuniverisiteit Groningen(RUG) made an ’Administratieve organisatie GGOs’, this is based on the EU directive ‘98/81/EG’ and was approved by the ministry of Infrastructure & Environment from the Dutch government. The government is in turn advised by the COGEM, the scientific advise organ of the government. The COGEM provides scientific advice to the government on risks to human health and the environment of the production and use of GMOs. It also informs the government of ethical and societal issues linked to genetic modification.

Students studying microbiology at the university of Groningen are informed on safety aspects of microbiology from the beginning of their study career. They are required to get a VMT (Veilige microbriele technieken, translated: safe microbiological techniques) certificate that demonstrates that they are able to safely work with microbiology and GMOs. The bases for this certificate are the 10 commandments for safe microbiological techniques which are derived from the Administratieve organisatie GGOs. Every iGEM member from our team is required to know these rules and uphold them when working in the lab. These commandments are 10 rules which ensure safe work environment for researchers on a daily basis. Most of the team members that work in the lab have a background in microbiology which they learned at the RUG. These persons have the VMT certificate and know how to work safely in the lab. Team members without this background and who work in the lab have been instructed with these rules and learned how to work safely.

10 COMMANDMENTS for Safe Microbiological Techniques

1. All VMT related work can only be performed by those people that have permission from the Biological Safety Officer (BVF). Work according to the rules, even if you believe there is no apparent risk.

2. During VMT related work all doors and windows have to be closed. Verify that insects and other pests are not present in the lab.

3. Wear a closed laboratory coat. Do not take this labcoat outside the VMT area unless it is absolutely necessary for the experiment. In case of a contamination of the labcoat, sterilize the labcoat first, with bleach or by autoclaving, before washing.

4. Clean and sterilize spills immediately. Report serious contamination immediately to the BVF.

5. It is absolutely prohibited to eat, drink or smoke, or to have cups, plates, mugs or silverware in the VMT area.

6. Pipetting by mouth is prohibited. Used pipettes are collected in a disinfecting solution.

7. Prevent aerosols. These may be created by -splashing drops; -pouring of liquids; - discharging pipettes; -opening of moist plugs; - using inoculating loops that are too hot. Use needles only if there is absolutely no alternative.

8. Glassware and instruments that have been in contact with GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms, GGO’s in Dutch) have to be sterilized or disinfected before being washed, reused or discarded. Biological waste has to be collected in autoclavable plastic bags, which are autoclaved before discarding (use indicator tape to demonstrate that the bag was autoclaved).

9. Wash hands with soap and water after work and before leaving the room. Bench surface areas have to be cleaned and disinfected daily. Keep area clean and organized.

10. Record the general nature of the work clearly in a lab journal.

More to consider

Ethidium bromide is a carcinogenic compound that we used when working with agarose gels. To ensure our safety, we created a specific ethidium bromide region in our lab; in this area was clearly indicated that it is obligatory to use appropriate gloves and keep all the contaminated equipment in the EthBr area. The toxic wasted is disposed in the appropriated manner according the rule and regulations uphold in the laboratories of the university.