

Revision as of 12:37, 24 September 2012 by YiqiJiang (Talk | contribs)

Member Attribution List

Captain: Xiao Tong

As the leader of our team, I am in charge of software designing and code writing. I wrote the majority of out software. And I am the chief designer of our Human Practice part. And I am in charge of communicating with other teams

Mubing Zhou

I wrote the major search part during the first project. During the second project, I am in charge of the drawing part. But later other members replaced me. In addition, I am the co-author of our RFC.

Chenchen Lv

Deng Pan

Designed user interface of search result and change the type of database from mySQL to SQLite.

Jingyao Guo

Junqiu Zhang

For the first program, I mainly dealt with the lists in the Catalog part. For the second program, I mainly dealt with the files, including create, rename, delete, etc. I am also the co-author of the RFC.

Qijia Cheng

Xin Yang



Yidan Pan

I converted our data from a xml file into the form of MySQL. I am the major wiki-writer. I am the chief leader in building wiki and writing notebook

Yiqi Jiang

1)'BioSearch':Write catalogy page with Chenchen Lv, Junqiu Zhang and Zili Fan.Design the UI interface and icon with Jingyao Guo.
2)'BioDesign': Make the buttons can do the functions as follow: delete, add, move and rename.
3)Humanpractice:In prophase, making the panels with the introduction of SynBio, iGEM and our team with Jingyao Guo and Chenchen Lv. In late stage, became the responsible person of humanpractice. Mainly responsible for speech. With the responsible person of B team, took three high school speech.
4)Wiki: Upload pictures and make some data maps and the logo with Jingyao Guo.
5)When BioSearch is completed, contact the members of the other iGEM teams, invite them to take part in our trial plan.
6)The original designer of our team logo. (φωφ)

Zili Fan

Yujun Zhao

I analysed the structure of total software scripts to decide where I should fix up and how to do it.

My partner Deng Pan had loaded the database with xml format into a sqlite file. I wrote a piece of code to export the data. I successed.

I was modifying the software.

I had succeeded in locating the database. But there was some bugs about the search keyword. I was trying to fix it.

I wrote a piece of code to export the data to make sure the data integrity.
