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#1 Selection / Swimming - 1st Week

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V05_02: Motility of E. coli on different agar concentrations
  • Experiment:
    Agar-media (1% LB) with different Agar concentrations (0.150% to 0.975%, in 0.075% steps) were used. The Δtar-strain were used.
  • Observations & Results:
    >0.45% agar: no migration is visible; 0.375% agar: ~3 mm corona is visible. Only little movement; 0.3% agar: strong movement. About 7 mm corona is visible; >0.225% agar: bacteria in whole medium. Obviously too little agar concentrations; 0.3% agar: bright corona (2.5 cm) is visible; 0.45% agar: now a corona is visible. A side colony runs faster than the rest of the corona. Potential speed mutation.


V05_04_1: E. coli movement-dependence of EDTA concentrations
  • Experiment:
    Beef(0.3 %)-Trypton-agar with the concentrations 0.5 % and 1.0 % Trypton were made with and without 10^-6 M EDTA.
  • Observations & Results:
    All colonies show a small halo. Only the experiment without EDTA and 1% Trypton shows a big corona. The EDTA only got a negative influence to the swarming.

V05_04_2: Comparison of movement-speed of Δtar strain and potential speed-mutation (see V05_02)
  • Experiment:
    0.3 % agar LB-medium were made. Original ΔTar strain and possible speed mutant were tested.
  • Observations & Results:
    The original ΔTar strain shows a bigger corona as the potential speed mutant.

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