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Revision as of 02:11, 27 September 2012

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The sensors for next-generation detector of red tide!

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<img src="" alt="senso" />


The sensors for next-generation detector of red tide!

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<img src="Home-sensor.png" alt="sensor" />

Model-Driven Design

Parameter optimization in ternary system...

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<img src="Home-modeling.png" alt="Home-modeling" />

Making decision through sRNA...

The sophisticated 'CPU' of our red tide detector...
Engineering CPU for your own "synthia"!

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<img src="Home-decision-making-device.png" alt="Home-decision-making-device" />

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Oceanfloat and Oceanfeel
----a floating biosenser

<section id="project_step">

Our Project

  • <img src="Ouc-home-step1.png" />step 1
  • <img src="Ouc-home-step3.png" />step 2
  • <img src="Ouc-home-steplast.png" />step 3
<img src="Ouc-hometab_arrow.png" />
  • <img src="Ouc-home-step1-2.png" />

    Step 1

    Our phosphate- and nitrate-sensitive devices are responsible for detection of environmental phosphate and nitrate. Besides that they transform the input signals into "readable information" for decision-making devices.

    much work has been done for characterization and modification of nitrate- and phosphate-sensitive promoters. A whole set of design ideas for TCS modifications are also presented for other igemers. Additionally an actuator that can remove the phosphate is recommended.

    <a href="">learn more</a> </div>



  • <img src="Ouc-home-step3-02.png" />


    <p>Our decision-making device aims at processing the concentration change of nitrate or phosphate into visible buoyancy increase. Comparator recognizes the difference of two inputs quantitatively ,while ratio sensor could senses a particular ratio between two inputs.</p> <p>Both comparator and ratio sensor facilitate a ternary system consisted of two small RNA and GFP mRNA. The concentration change of external two inducers leads to the transcription rate change of small RNA(alpha s)in this ternary system, the interactions between three RNAs will lead to interesting behaviors of our system like sensing the difference between two inputs quantitatively(Comparator) or the ratio of two inputs(Ratio senor).</p> <p><a href="">learn more</a>



  • <img src="Ouc-step3-last.png" />


    <p>In our project, by transforming the buoyancy device BBa_K737010, the gas vesicle cluster from the genome of Planktothrix rubescens into E.Coli, we succeed in making Escherichia.Coli floating on the surface of the water. It can help the cells produce the gas vesicle inside, which could make densities significant stratification in the culture. Not only the gene cluster but the two parts BBa_K737006 and BBa_K737007, which produce the gas vesicle structure protein, can also make the Escherichia.Coli floating. We use the shorter length of the part achieve a better effect than BBa_K190033 and the gas vesicle application prospect.</p> <p><a href="">learn more</a>


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