

Revision as of 09:39, 3 September 2012 by Korates (Talk | contribs)



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Week 7 (06/11 - 06/17/12)

Monday June 11th

  • Team Sequencing: Sequencing of the first finished biobricks.

Tuesday June 12th

Wednesday June 13th

  • Team Modeling: programming our first differential equation and finding the ODE15s function witch solves these equations.
  • Team Bacterial laccase: since the GC amount of the S. griseus and S. lavendulae laccases are high we used betain to solve the PCR problem.

-> Addition of betain did not changed anything from the result we still haven't had our laccase DNA.

Thursday June 14th

  • Team Activity Tests: Since our Tecan microplate reader is not able to actively cool down to 4 °C we got the chance to meet the photometer Carry. Check "protocols" for further information about her. We used the same set up with 100 mM natrium acetate buffer, 0,1 U T. versicolor laccase and 0,1 mM ABTS as before but now measured at 4°C. Our team is planning to visit a municipal sewage plant for getting some insights into the water conditions there, so we will for sure test other temperatures after having more information. Let´s hope the water there is a little warmer since laccase doesn´t seem to be totally satisfied at 4°C. I wouldn´t either.

Friday June 15th

Saturday June 16th

Sunday June 17th