Team:Valencia Biocampus


Revision as of 13:28, 12 July 2012 by PedroLDM (Talk | contribs)

Dialoguing with your culture


Who said scientists don't care about microbial cultures?

This year, València Biocampus team members are going to break down communication frontiers among species through an artificial language based on wavelengths, which will allow us to know more about the requirements of the microorganisms we thrive everyday in our labs. Depending on different metabolic conditions, our microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) will express genes that are under the control of promoters sensitive to these nutrients and codify for different fluorescent proteins. Therefore, by using a fluorimeter controlled by voice-recognition software, we are able to ask and get answers (like real-life talking!) about the bacteria environment! Moreover we have a brand-new experience, related to UV-regulated promoter, in which we dictate what the bacterium has to produce!

We have achieved good results so far. After ordering a total number of 7 different constructions (5 for bacteria, 2 for yeast) synthesized chemically we transformed competent cells and they responded very well to their medium conditions. We are, right now, working on improving the nutrient-sensing part.

Our final goal is to characterize and model completely well bacteria interaction regarding to these nutrient factors, how they behave then and how they answer to the different conditions. In addition, we would like to design a self-made-but-cool device for carrying out the whole trial. And last, but not least, our Human Practices team has an awesome story-telling script for the audience!

We are looking forward to seeing you all and enjoy together this amazing experience! ☺

With the kind support of

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Human Practices 20/07/2012

Everything is ready for Human Practices this weekend!! The shooting of the short film will start tomorrow at 7.45. We will keep you informed!!

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Laboratory 18/07/2012

Yeast and Bacteria subteams have made great progress these days in the laboratory. Bacteria subteam is now cheking their construccions and Yeast subteam is cloning the final plasmid for yeast.

Wiki Design 13/07/2012

Our wiki is still in progress...Check it next week! :)

Biobricks! 05/07/2012

We have received the different chemically synthetized constructions of biobricks, a total number of 7, that we made. Let's start working with them!


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