Team:Valencia/genetic engineering


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Genetic Engineering

¿¿Nuestro objetivo y constructo final??

Cyanobacteria are great organisms to be used in Synthetic Biology because of their ability to capture solar energy and CO2 and the fact that they can be easily genetically manipulated due to its small genome and their capacity to accept foreign DNA naturally. For our project we have chosen the cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus for genetic engineering because is the model organism for studying some prokaryotic processes (there is a lot of information of how to transform it) and in the last years it has become a model organism for some industrial processes, like biofuel production (Wang et al. 2012).

S. elongatus has a circular genome of ≈2.7Mb (fully sequenced link a la base de datos) with a GC content of 55.5%, which contains the genes for 2.612 proteins and 53 RNAs (Atsumi et al. 2009). ¿¿Nuestro objetivo y constructo final??