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People we want to thank!

Dr. Michael Hoppert

Dr. Hoppert is a work group leader in the department of General and Applied Microbiology. He supported our team by examining our E. coli strains with the electron microscope. He also offered to lend us a helping hand for making some fluorescence microscopy images to visualize our enhanced strains in case we succeed in Amsterdam! Due to these pictures we would be able to investigate whether our alterations indeed cause the expected effects. Even though we did not achieve the results we hoped in electron microscopy some of us still were able to learn more about this interesting technique and observe an expert on this field doing his job. Now one of his pictures of the strain MG1655 decorates our header and all of us are very thankful for his help!

Click here to be redirected to the homepage of Dr. Hoppert's work group!

Svenja Heitmüller

Svenja is a PhD student in the lab of Prof. Neumann and helped us to conduct the real-time quantitative PCR. Furthermore, she helped us out while we were working on the mutagenesis of the Tar receptor!

Department of Molecular Microbiology & Genetics

The real-time PCR cycler was provided by the lab of Prof. Braus. This working group is well equipped and experienced for the analysis of gene expression via real-time PCR. We are very happy to have been given this opportunity. You can find the homepage of this department here.

Ute Ludwig

Ute Ludwig works at the institut of Microbiology and Genetics. She is in charge of the practical course material and provided us with missing equipment like glass bottles, heat blocks, gel chambers, racks and many more. We are very thankful for her support!

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