Team:University College London/HumanPractice/DIYbio/Workshops


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Overview | Concept | DIYbio | Workshops | Exhibition | Evaluation | Conclusion


Hackspace Wetlab Workshops 29th-31st August

Hackspace Workshop schedule

UCL Workshops 3rd-5th September

In the beginning of September, we held three day workshops in UCL teaching laboratory for the citizen scientists. We had an ambitious plan for the workshops, from genomic DNA extraction to ligation and transformation. This was a packed schedule. However, after day one, we quickly realised that it would be a much better learning experience for the biohackers if the pace was slowed down. The amount of practical experience between these citizen scientists also varied. We allowed much longer time intervals between the practicals to answer the biohackers questions and to show the biohackers proper techniques we use in the laboratory.

Original UCL Wetlab Workshop schedule

All protocols and results of the collaboration can be found on the London Hackspace wiki[]
Analytical Digest of the Public Biobrick

Analytical digest public biobrick.jpg

Safety and regulations

Legality of making competent cell protocol at London Hackspace