Experiment: The PCR was set up in a volume of 1000 µL following the protocol from week 10.
V08_14 2nd round: PCR purification
Experiment: The PCR purification was performed using the peqGOLD Cycle-pure Kit (PeqLab), modified using columns from the peqGOLD Plasmid Miniprep Kit (PeqLab)! Elution in 100 µL EB.
Observations & Results: We now seemed to have found the mistake that caused problems with the loss of DNA material in the second mutagenesis round! Miscommunication led to using the wrong kit for purification steps. We decided to use the peqGOLD Cycle-pure Kit (PeqLab) instead of the subsequent ethanol precipitation as well, as this seemed to rise fewer problems.
V08_15 2nd round: PCR purification
Experiment: The PCR purification was performed using the peqGOLD Cycle-pure Kit (PeqLab), modified using columns from the peqGOLD Plasmid Miniprep Kit (PeqLab)! Elution in 100 µL EB.
Observations & Results: We now seemed to have found the mistake that caused problems with the loss of DNA material in the second mutagenesis round! Miscommunication led to using the wrong kit for purification steps. We decided to use the peqGOLD Cycle-pure Kit (PeqLab) instead of the subsequent ethanol precipitation as well, as this seemed to rise fewer problems.