Team:Goettingen/Project/Lab Work Flow


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== Golden Lab Rules ==
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Rules for an organized Labflow!
=== Sample labeling ===
* On the base of label it should be possible to find the sample in the corresponding notebook. For standardization all samples should include the following information:
# Date
# Description of content (DNA-, RNA-, protein)
# Concentration (if measured)
# Method (Gelex.; Clean-up; Ligation (Lig.), Restriction (Restr.), etc.)
# Volume
* Every group was assigned to a color:
** Group #1 blue
** Group #2 green
** Group #3 red
=== Notebook ===
* Language: English
* Note everything you have done the day and what you have prepared for the following day (e.g. inoculation of cultures).
* Note storage location.
* Important methods can be marked with "Post-its".
=== Workplace ===
* Every day all used workplaces should be cleaned, especially the clean-bench should be cleaned with 70% EtOH.
* Do not use the clean-bench for storage. For enough space and a working air circulation keep the clean-bench free of bulky equipment.
* Every equipment should be cleaned after using.
=== Purging ===
* All bottles and erlenmeyer flasks should be rinsed with water after usage. Then they are collected in the box.
* Keep purging list up to date and if necessary pick up purified material and remove it from the list. In order to prevent accumulation of material in the Görlich lab every team member shall check this list when entering the Demo Lab.
                        <!-- start content -->
=== Autoclaving ===
* S1-solid waste within the metal boxes shall be given to be autoclaved once a week in the Görlich Lab. Place closed waste bags either in  the blue waste bins or in the right autoclave in the purging room. New S1 plastic bags can be found on the right of the autoclave.
* S1-liquid waste is collected in an Erlenmeyer flask under the hood; additionally a small glas bottle is taken when working without sterile benches.
* Keep autoclave list up to date and if necessary pick up purified material and remove it from the list. In order to prevent accumulation of material in the Görlich lab every team member shall check this list when entering the Demo Lab.
* Liquid media: Eichele Lab (T5, 2nd); Duration: 2 h; Max.: 2x 1000 mL Schott bottles, 2x 500 mL and 2x 100 mL; autoclave by yourself
* Liquid / Solid material: Görlich Lab (T3, 2nd); technician autoclaves. Daily ca. 9 am
* Do not fill Schott bottles completely, all the more NOT, if agar is added: 1000 mL -> 800-900 mL; 500 mL -> 400 mL
=== List of materials ===
* Purchases from the chemical store shall be entered in the internal wiki: chronologically and alphabetically. (If necessary photograph the material book!)
* Enter date and initials into the material book to support an easier assignment of purchases.
* Mark purchases with date, price and iGEM and store them at appropriate place.
=== Working with EtBr ===
* Work only on places which are denoted for working with EtBr. Following equipments are included: UV-table, EtBr-basin, bleach-basin, transport-basin, scalpels, Pasteur-pipette and EtBr-bottle
* Do not contaminate gel-chambers or power supply.
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== Daily Checklist ==
a:link { color: #004080; text-decoration: none}
=== If you enter the lab ... ===
a:visited { color:##003090; text-decoration: none}
* Check the pick list of autoclaved materials
a:hover { color:#f29400; text-decoration: none}
=== Check if the following things are present in a sufficient manner ===
a:active { color:#f29400; text-decoration: none}
* Cupboard of autoclaving materials
** E-Cups, PCR-Tubes
** Media: LB (with agar & liquid)
** Test tubes
** Pipette-tips
** LB-agar plates
* Other consumables
** Petri dishes (small/big)
** Tips
** Gloves
** Chemicals
** Restock 70% EtOH-bottles
=== In between... ===
* Tidy up the fridge
* Dispose of waste (at the latest on thursday)
* Gel-Bench: enough TAE (1x & 50x), agarose?
=== If you leave the lab... ===
* Turn of all equipments.
* Clean-bench closed??
* Switch off the light.
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Language: <img height="20", src=""> English, <img height="20", src=""> <a href="">Deutsch</a> <br>
<table id="toc" class="toc"><tbody><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2> <span class="toctoggle">[<a href="javascript:toggleToc()" class="internal" id="togglelink">hide</a>]</span></div>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Lab_Work_Flow"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Lab Work Flow</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1"> <div style="text-indent:10px;"><a href="#Golden_Lab_Rules"><span class="tocnumber"></span> <span class="toctext">Golden Lab Rules</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1"> <div style="text-indent:10px;"><a href="#Daily_Checklist"><span class="tocnumber"></span> <span class="toctext">Daily Checklist</span></a></li>
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<h2><b><a name="Lab_Work_Flow"></a>Lab Work Flow</b></h2>
<p align="justify" style="line-height:1.6em">
Under process..
<font face="Verdana" size="-1">
<h2><b><a name="Golden_Lab_Rules"></a>Golden Lab Rules</b></h2>
<p align="justify" style="line-height:1.6em">
Under process...
<font face="Verdana" size="-1">
<h2><b><a name="Daily_Checklist"></a>Daily Checklist</b></h2>
<p align="justify" style="line-height:1.6em">
Under process...
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Latest revision as of 21:04, 26 September 2012

Deutsch  / English 


Golden Lab Rules

Rules for an organized Labflow!

Sample labeling

  • On the base of label it should be possible to find the sample in the corresponding notebook. For standardization all samples should include the following information:
  1. Date
  2. Description of content (DNA-, RNA-, protein)
  3. Concentration (if measured)
  4. Method (Gelex.; Clean-up; Ligation (Lig.), Restriction (Restr.), etc.)
  5. Volume
  • Every group was assigned to a color:
    • Group #1 blue
    • Group #2 green
    • Group #3 red


  • Language: English
  • Note everything you have done the day and what you have prepared for the following day (e.g. inoculation of cultures).
  • Note storage location.
  • Important methods can be marked with "Post-its".


  • Every day all used workplaces should be cleaned, especially the clean-bench should be cleaned with 70% EtOH.
  • Do not use the clean-bench for storage. For enough space and a working air circulation keep the clean-bench free of bulky equipment.
  • Every equipment should be cleaned after using.


  • All bottles and erlenmeyer flasks should be rinsed with water after usage. Then they are collected in the box.
  • Keep purging list up to date and if necessary pick up purified material and remove it from the list. In order to prevent accumulation of material in the Görlich lab every team member shall check this list when entering the Demo Lab.


  • S1-solid waste within the metal boxes shall be given to be autoclaved once a week in the Görlich Lab. Place closed waste bags either in the blue waste bins or in the right autoclave in the purging room. New S1 plastic bags can be found on the right of the autoclave.
  • S1-liquid waste is collected in an Erlenmeyer flask under the hood; additionally a small glas bottle is taken when working without sterile benches.
  • Keep autoclave list up to date and if necessary pick up purified material and remove it from the list. In order to prevent accumulation of material in the Görlich lab every team member shall check this list when entering the Demo Lab.
  • Liquid media: Eichele Lab (T5, 2nd); Duration: 2 h; Max.: 2x 1000 mL Schott bottles, 2x 500 mL and 2x 100 mL; autoclave by yourself
  • Liquid / Solid material: Görlich Lab (T3, 2nd); technician autoclaves. Daily ca. 9 am
  • Do not fill Schott bottles completely, all the more NOT, if agar is added: 1000 mL -> 800-900 mL; 500 mL -> 400 mL

List of materials

  • Purchases from the chemical store shall be entered in the internal wiki: chronologically and alphabetically. (If necessary photograph the material book!)
  • Enter date and initials into the material book to support an easier assignment of purchases.
  • Mark purchases with date, price and iGEM and store them at appropriate place.

Working with EtBr

  • Work only on places which are denoted for working with EtBr. Following equipments are included: UV-table, EtBr-basin, bleach-basin, transport-basin, scalpels, Pasteur-pipette and EtBr-bottle
  • Do not contaminate gel-chambers or power supply.

Daily Checklist

If you enter the lab ...

  • Check the pick list of autoclaved materials

Check if the following things are present in a sufficient manner

  • Cupboard of autoclaving materials
    • E-Cups, PCR-Tubes
    • Media: LB (with agar & liquid)
    • Test tubes
    • Pipette-tips
    • LB-agar plates
  • Other consumables
    • Petri dishes (small/big)
    • Tips
    • Gloves
    • Chemicals
    • Restock 70% EtOH-bottles

In between...

  • Tidy up the fridge
  • Dispose of waste (at the latest on thursday)
  • Gel-Bench: enough TAE (1x & 50x), agarose?

If you leave the lab...

  • Turn of all equipments.
  • Clean-bench closed??
  • Switch off the light.

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