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Week 18 (08/27 - 09/02/12)

Monday August 27th

Tuesday August 28th

Wednesday August 29th

  • Team Cellulose Binding Domain:

Isolation of CBDcex+GFP VI and CBDcex X+XII Restriktion of them with NotI showed right bands (about 400 bp for CBDcex and 1200 bp for CBDcex+GFP)

  • Team Site Directed Mutagenesis:

New Primers for X.campestris arrived.

Thursday August 30th

Friday August 31th

Saturday September 1st

Sunday September 2nd

  • Team Activity Tests: This week we had Team Modeling over and they told us about their concerns. To continue modeling they wanted to have a look at the activity of our laccase from T. versicolor but with different ABTS concentrations. Especially the were interested in the first time points after adding ABTS. This should give them enough information to calculate the enzyme activity. We didn't want to wait, so we started immediately with our standard activity test. Our tested ABTS concentrations were: 0.5µl, 1µl, 2µl, 4µl and 8µl. We got nice activity curves but also noticed, that the activity saturated quickly and therefore the initial activity of our laccase can not be measured accurately. Of course Team Modeling got our data just in time, but we also want to start new activity tests with half of the amount of laccase. So we are still trying to keep our lovely Team Modeling satisfied.
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