Team:Nevada/Week 8


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Week 8: July 9 - July 13


July 9

Jasmine & Joe
Checked 10 CP-EP* colonies with colony PCR
Cultured colonies 5 and 7 in TB-Amp
Culture SBP-LRP plasmid
Jeremiah & Chris:
TBP+++ purified and digested (gel 066)
Digestion of SBP-TBP to use with new expression vector
XbaI and PstI
Justin & Dafne
Ligate SBP into SBP-B12 plasmid
Transform into TOP 10 competent cells

July 10

Jasmine and Joe:
Miniprepped CP-EP* cultures
Digested CP-EP* with SpeI and NsiI
Dephosphorylated CP-EP* digestion
Ligated RFP* with CP-EP*
Created new primer stocks for VR, VF2, and a new EP*-anti-SpeI
Amplified new EP (EP^), lac promoter, and tet promoter using PCR
Grew SBP-LRP plasmid from transformation of SBP (SpeI and PstI) and LRP (PstI and XbaI)
Miniprep of SBP-LRP plasmid from transformation of SBP (SpeI and PstI) and LRP (PstI and XbaI), nanodrop, and :::pellet since 1st miniprep concentration was too little. Pellet was then miniprepped and nanodropped.
Digest transformation SBP (SpeI and PstI) + LRP (PstI and XbaI) with XBA I and PST I,
run through gel, and ligate with EP.
Jeremiah & Chris:
Ligation of SBP-TBP à ExV using new method
Justin and Dafne
SBP-B12-SBP transformation successful
Multiple colonies grew, and colony PCR check confirms
SBP-B12 in expression plasmid turned out to be unsuccessful
Digest SBP-B12 plasmid by Xba I and Pst I HF
Ligate into new expression plasmid

July 11

Jasmine and Joe:
Transformed ligated RFP*-CP-EP* into competent cells and plated onto 1 amp plate with L-arabinose and one without
Transformed original CP plasmid into competent cells and plated onto 1 amp plate with L-arabinose and one without
Digested lac promoter and tet promoter with EcoRI and SpeI
Transformation of ligation SBP (SpeI and PstI)-LRP (PstI and XbaI) plasmid digested with
XBA I and PST I and EP onto AMP plates.
Jeremiah & Chris:
Transformed SBP-TBP-ExV
Colonies were too numerous to count (TNTC)
Justin and Dafne
Transform ligation of SBP-B12 insert into expression
TOP10 competent cells were used

July 12

Check transformation of SBP (Spe1 and PstI)-LRP (PstI and XbaI) digested with XbaI and PstI + EP on AMP plates.
PCR colony check 24 colonies with Forward primer (Control promoter) and Reverse primer (Terminator) and ran gel.
Jeremiah & Chris:
Colony PCR of plate #1
No positive colonies or failed PCR
Justin and Dafne
Colony PCR check of colonies produced by SBP-B12 in expression plasmid transformation
Colony check successful
Culture successful colony in LB-amp overnight

July 13

PCR check colony #9 from transformation of SBP (SpeI and PstI)-LRP (PstI and
XbaI) digested with XbaI and PstI + EP with Forward primer (Control promoter) and Reverse
primer (Lysine antisense) and ran gel to double check if PCR colony #9 is truly successful.
Cultured 2 new colonies from 7/10 KAN plates containing successful transformation of SBP (SpeI and PstI) and LRP :::PstI and XbaI) with TB-KAN broth.
Jeremiah & Chris:
Colony PCR of both plates again
Culturing colony 1-9 from plate #1 and colony 2-4 from plate #2
Ligation of SBP-TBP into constitutive vector – transformed on 07/15
Justin and Dafne
once OD of the over night culture reached 0.6, L-arabinose was added in varying concetrations
Tube 1: 0.001% Tube 2: 0.01% Tube 3: 0.1% Tube 4: 1.0%
Control: SBP-B12 expression plasmid not induced by L-arabinose
After 4 hours, time sample 1 was pelleted and placed in -80 freezer
After 8 hours, time sample 2 was pelleted and placed in -80 freezer