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Missouri Miners
The students of the BYU 2012 iGEM team would like to thank the tireless contributions of our dedicated adviser [ Dr. Julianne Grose]. We specifically thank John Dallon for help with the math modeling. We also recognize the help and guidance of Dr. Sean Warnick and [ Dr. David Kooyman].
The students of the BYU 2012 iGEM team are responsible for all of the lab work, experiments and data collected. They are also responsible for the analysis and modeling of the data. Any contributions to the modeling are specified on the modeling page. The project ideas belong to the entire team. We thank the [ Brigham Young University] [ College of Life Sciences], [ Microbiology and Molecular Biology Department] for funding our registration fees and resesarch, and for providing a laboratory and the necessary materials. We also thank [ New England BioLabs] for providing most of the enzymes and reagents.
A special thanks to Eric Jones for the creation and upkeep of this wikisite.