

Revision as of 20:20, 3 October 2012 by Bchen26 (Talk | contribs)



Mission Statement

The ultimate goal of the University of Illinois 2012 iGEM team is to construct an RNA-based PUF protein toolkit which can be utilized for the manipulation of gene expression. Customizable manipulation will involve gene silencing by specific RNA scission. Also, the PUF protein's properties are suited for optimizing multi-step enzymatic pathways. In this way, we aim to improve the versatility and cost efficiency of biological production systems. With a protein-based RNA-binding toolkit, researchers will be able to transmute the biobricked PUF for use in their scientific endeavors. In addition, we seek to standardize and characterize the nature of PUF.

Click here to read our project abstract.

Our Research Outside of PUF Itself

Aside from our main project researching the RNA specific affinity of PUF and its respective endonuclease fusion protein variants, we have also devoted time and resources into exploring and testing other potential applications for PUF. Mainly, our ancillary projects directly related to PUF include research involving our RNA scaffold and an enzymatic assembly line based on such a scaffold. Additionally, we have characterized the 2011 University of Washington iGEM team's Petrobrick (BBa_K590025).

To read more about these projects and the data we have collected, please visit their respective pages. You can reach them either through hovering over the "Ancillary" tab or by clicking the hyperlinks in this section.

Outside the dry and wet labs, we have invested ourselves in a human practices project and public awareness and education about synthetic biology and science in general. To learn more, please visit our Outreach section.

  • Click above on a part of our project that you want to read about.


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