Team:Arizona State/Data


Revision as of 07:20, 3 October 2012 by Napatel (Talk | contribs)

Note from Dr. Haynes: Hi Nisarg

Please add an outline of the experiments-in-progress on the "Data" page. For instance…

Experiment 1
Aim: To determine that the split Beta-gal part of the biosensor works
Approach: Co-express different versions of the alpha and omega fragments in E. coli
Expected Results: If it works as expected, alpha and omega pairs will give a blue phenotype, and single units (negative controls) will not
Lead experimenter: Abhi
Progress: (to be filled in by Abhi)

Experiment 2
Aim: To quantitate Topo enzyme DNA nicking using a crazy sequencing approach



ssDNA Probe Design

Topoisomerase-based DNA Biosensor

insert diagram here

Data For Our New Favorite Parts

D168A Double Cysteine Mutant of Smallpox Topoisomerase, BBa_K891234 - This mutant version of topoisomerase recognizes the YCCTT motif in dsDNA. It cleaves after the last T in this motif, making a single stranded nick, and covalently binds to the 3' phosphate on that thymine.

GFPT1, BBa_K891000 - This part should be paired with GFPT2. This part codes for a 20bp sequence that is complementary to a portion of the genomic GFP coding sequence in E.coli Keio strains.

GFPT2, BBa_K891999 - This part should be paired with GFPT1. This part codes for a 20bp sequence that is complementary to a portion of the genomic GFP coding sequence that comes after the GFPT1 binding site in E.coli Keio strains.

DNA Biosensor

Split Beta-Galactosidase Complementation