

Revision as of 15:42, 23 September 2012 by Fjfj0000 (Talk | contribs)



  • Haiyan Liu

    Haiyan Liu

    Professor, School of Life Sciences University of Science & Technology of China

    Haiyan Liu was born in Sichuan Province, China. He received his BS degree in Biology in 1990 and PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1996, both from USTC. Between 1993 and 1995 he was a visiting graduate student in Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of ETH, Zurich (Switzerland). From 1998 to 2000 he was post-doctoral research associate at Department of Chemistry, Duke University (USA) and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics UNC-Chapel Hill (USA). Since 2001, he has been a professor of computational biology at School of Life Sciences, USTC.

  • Jiarui Wu

    Jiarui Wu

    Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 320 Yue-yang Road, Shanghai 200031, China.

    Since the research strategy of systems biology is well fit to analyze the biological complex systems. I am applying this strategy on the mechanism of the complex diseases such as cancer and diabetes. My ongoing project is to identify biomarkers in order to detect the progress stages of the diabetes. As a metabolic disease, diabetes-related proteins tend to enter the circulation system, thus the biomarker discovery in plasma has the potential to play an important role in the early detection and treatment of diabetes. We have developed systematic approaches based on proteomics and bioinformatics to analyze human normal and diabetic serum. In addition, I have planed to analyze the genetic and environmental factors and their interactions during the progressing of the type 2 diabetes with systems-biology approaches.


  • Hong Jiong

    Hong Jiong


  • Zhaofeng Luo

    Zhaofeng Luo



  • Wuyang Chen

    Wuyang Chen

    Hello everyone, I'm Wuyang Chen, a junior student majoring in Life Science. I live in a pleasant city on a bank of Yangtze River. My parents plant many beautiful plants and feed a dog, two turtles and 20 or so pigeons in our house, which cultivated my passion for biology. I'm so thankful for my parents!

    I think it is a brilliant idea to combine computer modeling and biology, which can help people predict a behavior of a system and test it by advanced biotechnology. So I join iGEM, to take part into the research of synthetic biology in person and realize some interesting projects. The past year in iGEM would be a meaningful and fantastic journey to me!

    When taking a rest, I would like to tennis and listen to music. I love the music from the Secret Garden and the talent musician Jeo Hisaishi best!

  • Xinzhe Li

    Xinzhe Li

  • Qian Li

    Qian Li

    Qian Li is a senior majoring in analytical chemistry in school of chemistry and materials science in USTC. She is doing research at Liang's lab on a project related to enzyme-instructed intracellular self-assembly of nanoparticles for multi-drug resistance (MDR). In that project, she has developed her interest in biology, especially in sythetic biology, which is also the impetus for her to become an igemer in 2012. She would like to learn more about this area and introduce the synthetic biology to her lab to improve the effeciency and the compatible-biology of the cancer drug effeciency. At the same time, she can apply skills what she has learned in chemistry to the igem team.

  • Cai Li

    Cai Li

    Cai Li is a rising senior at USTC,majoring in analytical chemistry.Her interests in synthetic biology give her the passion participating in iGEM.Besides iGEM,her research interests span dendrimers,the host-guest interactions and NMR techniques.

  • Song Wang

    Song Wang

    I am a rising senior majoring in Chemistry in University of Science and Technology. I decided to participate in iGEM not only to do some interesting research, but also to learn how to turn a simple idea to a successful work. In the 2012 USTC iGEM team, I learned much knowledge about synthetic biology and had a good time with the team members. Previous to iGEM, I worked in the lab of analytical chemistry at USTC, trying to use a fluorescent material as novel molecular probe to find the cancer cell using imaging technology. In my leisure time, I like to play table-tennis and badminton.

  • Jiemin Zhao

    Jiemin Zhao

    I am a senior majoring in Chemistry in University of Science and Technology. I took part in 2012 USTC iGEM team because I was interesting in biology especially synthetic biology. I felt excited when I did the experiment and studied the new knowledge in this summer. I also did financial work in our team. I like reading books in my leisure time, sometimes also watch the movies.

  • JinXin Wang

    JinXin Wang

     Hi, everyone. I am Jinxin Wang, a sophomore student majoring in biology at University of Science and Technology of China. With tremendous interest in iGEM, I am delighted to share two-month time with my teammates. At the period of my time in laboratory, I have learnt a lot of valuable spirits, such as teamwork, patience and insistence.
     As a sophomore student, I am not familiar with scientific research. In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience. But things turn better after I join iGEM. It is not only a interesting competition, but also a useful method making me realize the secret of synthetic biology. I like it very much~

  • Ting Fu

    Ting Fu

    Hi! I am a junior student majoring in Biology at University of science and technology of China. Being a member of the USTC iGEM2012, I have learned a lot during this summer. It attracts me into the world of synthetic biology. Besides, I pick up some html&css language and construct my first website--our wiki! That is a process where I make every efforts to rise to the challenge. What's more, iGEM has taught me how to cooperate with others. Without those discussions with my partners, I can hardly achieve what I have done. I feel so lucky here and would like to say that IGEM is the coolest game I have ever played!

  • Xingwen Chen

    Xingwen Chen

    This guy is Xingwen Chen,a rising Junior majoring in Life Science.
    The boy start his erupting interest on all kinds of creatures since his childhood.He luckily spent a lot time on the countryside,catching insects and picking wild potherbs were his favorite.And his dream is an entomologist.
    Soon,the naughty kid learned about cell,gene and protein.And he knew Darwin,Mendel and Watson.He realized he found something more attracting than insects.Even the god can't change his ambition.Then,he dreamed to be a biologist.
    Now,in college,the ignorant guy amazingly finds his eyesight to biology too narrow before.In fact,what he can see in the universe of life science is just a drop in the ocean.He must choose a particular drop even though he doesn't want to leave any drop.It is at that time,he notices synthetic biology.And then comes iGEM.
    The 'crazy' guy loves and enjoys designing.In winter,brainstorming really excited him and he felt inspiration just like eruption.And this summer,he did a lot experiment to achieve their thoughts.He could skillfully complete all the experiments they needed.Besides,analyzing result and put forward hypothesis is his another enjoyment.What's more,he learned how to manage his time.
    In the future,we have reasons to expect the guy standing in the stage of the world.

  • Xuyuan Gao

    Xuyuan Gao

    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.

  • Jiawei He

    Jiawei He

      Hi! I’m Jiawei He, a junior student majoring in chemical physics. My current research is about nano materials.
      This summer, I participate in iGEM and gain so much fun! I like “manipulating” E.coli, because I can achieve the function I need from them. This experience is quite enjoyable, for I practise my experimenting skills and get a sense of achievement, especially during the construction of genetic circuits.
      In my leisure time, I like playing table tenis, listening to music and reading science fictions. Contact me via .

  • Shan Zhou

    Shan Zhou

    I am a junior student from the school of the gifted young, USTC . Though my major is organic chemistry and my current research is about nano materials , I have a great passion for biology ever since junior high. I love challenging myself, so I chose to take part in this year's iGEM and cooperated with my teammates to work on the project as well as the wiki. I had a great time working with my lovely teammates and doing the experiments . With the help of this experience, I have a better understanding of synthetic biology. My email:

  • Xuexuan Zheng

    Xuexuan Zheng

    I'm Zheng Xuexuan, a student from Life Science School, USTC. I take part in IGEM2012 because I want to challenge myself, that is to say , I want to confirm how much knowledge I've gotten and how many problems in life science can I solve. Through this half year, I've gained lots of improvement both in my experiment skills and in my horizon of life science. Thanks, my teammates. And thanks, IGEM2012.

  • Xi Chen

    Xi Chen

    Hi ~
    I'm Chen Xi,who is a senior student from the department of chemical physics of USTC now. In this summer, I spent my most time in the synthetic biology laboratory where I had never known about. During this vacation, I had a wonderful time with my teamates and I felt lucky to have this experience during my university.

  • Jie Wang

    Jie Wang

    Hi, I am a senior guy majoring physics in USTC. I am especially interested in condensed matter theory. However, iGEM provided me with an opportunity to put what I learned into practice.
    Biology is one of my interests since my childhood. With the hope to see how much the frionter biology research differs from my childhood dream, I joined iGEM team last year. During this year, I equiped myself with enough biology knowledge, especially in synthetic biology, which in my mind is quite an interesting and promising area that scientists disigned, modeled and set up biological functional parts to solve real problems and to perform basic scientific research as well.
    I treasure a lot the time I worked with my teammeats together during the summer. In our project, I designed a computation model based on my knowledge learned in computational physics class. What is more, with the help from biology department students, I set up ODEs to describe our system. It is exciting to see how effective these two 'weapons' works!
    Beyond academic activity, I am an easygoing boy interested in painting, chess, movie, travelling bicycling, plants and animals and so on. I am glad to be your friends!

  • Xiaojian Du

    Xiaojian Du

    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.

  • Zhaoxiong Chen

    Zhaoxiong Chen

    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.

  • Yangming YUE

    Yangming YUE

    HI,I am a rising sophomore in school of life science at USTC.I am excited about participating in iGEM because I am very interested in synthetic biology and wants to learn more. I am interested in synthetic biology because i think it will be very useful solving some very important problem ,such as cancer ,HIV ,etc .In the future,I want to design something with synthetic biology to help those people to decrease their pain and cure them. In the laboratory,as a fresh man, my experiment skill is not as good as other senior students.So I always play a helper or a cooperator. in addition, I also do some work during the human practice part. I really think our igem team is a good one.I learn a lot in the team, not only in experiment skill and knowledge of synthetic biology ,but also in cooperate skill and communicate skill.In the end ,I really appreciate ustc igem team to give me a chance to take part in this team.

  • Sitao Zhang

    Sitao Zhang

    Hello everybody , I am Zhang Sitao , a freshman of USTC .
    My major is life science . I am an assistant of all the other guys in my team , in other word , my duty is to keep every fellows feel more comfortable and convenient while they are doing their work . Certainly I have many other work to do , helping figure out the main direction of our theme , combining some bioparts together and doing some survey during the human practice part . For I have a strong ability of communicating and cooperating , everybody loves me , in my view . Personally speaking , igem just establishes a board for many biology nuts from every parts of the world , it is meaningful for the mixing of science and interest . Though I am not the main force of our team ,but things will get changed the next time of this game , I will come back for the honour of my university !

  • name


    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.

  • name


    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.

  • name


    Praesent vehicula interdum massa. Nunc velit erat, pulvinar vitae, tempor non, porttitor non, ipsum. Nullam venenatis, quam a tincidunt semper, neque velit dictum quam, at mattis mauris mauris a dolor. Aliquam urna. Ut pellentesque dapibus quam. Mauris dapibus dictum felis. Praesent tellus quam, aliquet in, malesuada aliquet, pretium non, eros. Cras aliquam ligula vitae nunc.