Team:UT-Tokyo/Project/H2 E.coli/Results


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H2 E.coli: Results

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We measured the amount of H₂ produced by each E.coli transducted “pLac-RBS-fhlA-d.term”(fhlA) or “pLac-RBS-fhlA(E363G)-d.term”(E363G) with wild type by the method written in the page AssayMethods.
In this page, we describe the date.

The result is as the following graph(Fig.1)

UT Tokyo Fig diagram 640 480.png

Fig.1:H₂production in liquid LB medium of each glucose concentration.
This vertical axis expresses v/v% of H₂ per the gaseous phase after we cultivate each E.coli for 8 hour in the situation the liquid LB medium and the gaseous phase is 1mL.And this horizontal one shows that the kinds of E.coli and the concentrations of glucose of each medium(“LB+x%” means the glucose w/v concentrations of liquid LB medium is x% more than the usual medium.
The results shown by the Fig.1 is statistically sufficient to conclude the followings.

  • The amount of H₂ production is fhlA>fhlA(E363G)>wild type in the same situations.
  • There is a positive correlation between the amount of H₂ produced by fhlA and the glucose concentration of the liquid LB concentration.

The detailed interpretations of this result are done in the Discussion.