Adam Cerini: Copper team, research, Maker Faire
Marjana Chowdhury: Wiki team, Copper team
Ciera Lowe: Genetics team, Maker Faire, Wiki team
Anna Mai: Copper team, Wiki team, Maker Faire
Yuta Makita: Wiki team, Genetics team, Maker Faire
Nicholas Mannarino: Genetics team, Maker Faire
Aakash Mansukhani: Copper team
Joeseph Mercedes: Copper team, Wiki team
Steven Neuhaus: Genetics team, research, Wiki team, Maker Faire
Kirsten Nicassio: Genetics team, research, Wiki team
Udochukwu (Ud) Okorafor: Copper team, Wiki team, Maker Faire
Saimon Sharif: Genetics team, research
Richard Shi: Copper team
Jeffery Xu: Copper team, Maker Faire
Vincent Xu: Copper team, Wiki team, Maker Faire
We graciously thank the following parties for helping to fund this year's IGEM project:
- Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.
- The Cooper Union Joint Activities Committee for funding student clubs.
- The Rose-Sandholm Biology Initiative to help us build up our laboratory offerings for students at The Cooper Union.
A special thanks to the following iGEM teams and people:
- Dr. Scott Banta for overseeing our project, providing invaluable advice and allowing us to work in his lab at Columbia.
- Dr. Alan West for his expertise in copper etching.
- Dr. David Orbach for overseeing our project, generating novel ideas and approaches to our goal and allowing us to work in the Kanbar Center at Cooper.
- Dionne Lutz for walking the genetic team through countless protocols, supervising our work in the Kanbar lab, helping organize our Maker Faire table and providing motivation and optimism.
- Sudipta Majumdar for helping us construct plasmids and patiently teaching us new protocols.
- Kevin Dooley for help with expression experiments, providing us with a GFP gene and identifying and removing cut sights within our biobrick and answering questions as we became acquainted with Dr. Banta's lab.
- Tushar Patel for providing us with a GFP gene and answering questions as we became acquainted with Dr. Banta's lab.
- Jason Candreva for being extremely patient with us, teaching us various transformation protocols with ecoli and ferrooxidans and answering every question we threw at him.
- Sara Chuang for initializing the iGEM team.
- iGEM Team Uppsala University for sending us the following parts: BBa_K592004, BBa_K592005, BBa_K592006, BBa_K592009, BBa_K592010, and BBa_K592016
- iGEM Team ETH Zurich for sending us E. coli codon-optimized Pif3 and PhyB
- Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel for her advice and for sending plasmids pASK-fphAN753s and pTDho1