

Revision as of 00:32, 4 October 2012 by Ssharif (Talk | contribs)


Adam Cerini: Copper team, research, Maker Faire

Marjana Chowdhury: Wiki team co-captain, copper team

Ciera Lowe: Genetics team, Maker Faire captain, wiki team

Anna Mai: Copper team

Yuta Makita: Wiki team co-captain, genetics team

Nicholas Mannarino: Genetics team

Aakash Mansukhani: Wiki team co-captain, copper team

Joeseph Mercedes: Copper team

Richard Shi: Copper team

Steven Neuhaus: Genetics team co-captain, research, wiki team

Kirsten Nicassio: Genetics team co-captain, wiki team

Udochukwu (Ud) Okorafor: Copper team, wiki team, Maker Faire

Saimon Sharif: Genetics team co-captain, research, liaison

Jeffery Xu: Copper team

Vincent Xu: Copper team captain, wiki team, Maker Faire

A special thanks to the following iGEM teams and people:

  • Dr. Scott Banta for over seeing our project, providing invaluable advice and allowing us to work in his lab at Columbia
  • Dr. David Orbach for over seeing our project, consistently generating new ideas or approaches to our goal and allowing us to work in the Kanbar lab at Cooper
  • Dionne Lutz for walking the genetic team through countless protocols, supervising our work in the Kanbar lab, helping organize our Maker Faire table and providing much needed motivation and optimism throughout the many failures we faced
  • Sudipta Majumdar for helping us construct plasmids and patiently teaching us new protocols
  • Kevin Dooley for help with expression experiments, providing us with a GFP gene and identifying and removing cut sights within our biobrick and answering questions as we became acquainted with Dr. Banta's lab
  • Tushar Patel for providing us with a GFP gene and answering questions as we became acquainted with Dr. Banta's lab
  • Jason Candreva for being extremely patient with us, teaching us various transformation protocols with ecoli and ferrooxidans and answering every question we threw at him
  • iGEM Team Uppsala University for sending us the following parts: BBa_K592004, BBa_K592005, BBa_K592006, BBa_K592009, BBa_K592010, and BBa_K592016
  • iGEM Team ETH Zurich for sending us E. coli codon-optimized Pif3 and PhyB
  • Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel for her advice and for sending plasmids pASK-fphAN753s and pTDho1