Team:Buenos Aires/Results/Strains


Revision as of 00:37, 16 September 2012 by MAP (Talk | contribs)

Strain characterization

Strain characterization

a)	Description of strains,

Through our experiments we worked with the following strains:

Strain ID Relevant Auxotrophies Fluorescence Used as
TCY 3043 (-H-T) No fluorescence Negative control
TCY 3190 (+H-T) YFP + (Induced CFP) For coculture
TCY 3265 (-H+T) CFP For coculture
TCY 3154
CFP +(induced YFP) Positive Control

Table: Hystidine (H) and Tryptophane (T) auxotrophies per strain, type of fluorescence and description of most common utilization during the experiments. 

Nearly 15 other similar strains were evaluated and discarded due to several reasons (low screening potentiality; requirement of hormones for fluorescence induction; high reverting rate of auxotrophies, among others)