Team:Cornell/project/drylab/functional requirements


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  ::Header & Footer
<div class="row">
<div class="two columns">
<ul class="side-nav">
<h6>Dry Lab</h6>
<li class="divider"></li>
<a href="">How It Works</a>
<li class ="active">
<a href="">Functional Requirements</a>
<a href="">Components</a>
<a href="">Deployment</a>
<a href="">Time Response</a>
<a href="">Device Status</a>
<a href="">3D Model</a>
<div class="ten columns team-bios-container">
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
<h2 class="centered">Functional Requirements</h2>
<div class="row last-ele overflow">
<div class="eight columns centered overflow" style="position:relative;">
<img class="inline" src="">
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;right:125px;top:65px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
Hello. My name Chie Shu.  You Killed My father.  Prepare to die.  Bitch.
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;right:-56px;top:400px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
<h5>Field Deployable</h5>
Hello.  My name Swati Sureka.  You Killed My father.  Prepare to die.  Bitch.
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;right:125px;bottom:40px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
Hello.  My name Jim Mathew.  You Killed My father.  Prepare to die.  Bitch.
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;left:125px;bottom:40px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
<h5>Electrical Output</h5>
Hello.  My name Tina Su.  You Killed My father.  Prepare to die.  Bitch.
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;left:-60px;top:400px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
<h5>Long Term</h5>
Hello.  My name Dylan Webster.  You Killed My father.  Prepare to die.  Bitch.
<div class="func-rec-position" style="position:absolute;left:125px;top:65px;">
<div class="func-req-hover" >
<img src="">
<div class="func-req-desc">
Hello. My name Caleb Radens. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
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Team Page
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Notebook Page
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Gallery Page
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Hovery Things
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Revision as of 02:13, 27 October 2012

Functional Requirements

Hello. My name Chie Shu. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
Field Deployable
Hello. My name Swati Sureka. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
Hello. My name Jim Mathew. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
Electrical Output
Hello. My name Tina Su. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
Long Term
Hello. My name Dylan Webster. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.
Hello. My name Caleb Radens. You Killed My father. Prepare to die. Bitch.