Team:Arizona State/Community


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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
* Ultimate Fade In Slideshow v2.0- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at for this script and 100s more
/* Ultimate Fade-in slideshow (v2.4)
* Last updated: May 24th, 2010. This notice must stay intact for usage
* Author: Dynamic Drive at
* Visit for full source code
//Oct 6th, 09' (v2.1): Adds option to randomize display order of images, via new option displaymode.randomize
//May 24th, 10' (v2.4): Adds new "peakaboo" option to "descreveal" setting. oninit and onslide event handlers added.
var fadeSlideShow_descpanel={
controls: [['',7,7], ['',10,11], ['',54,55]], //full URL and dimensions of close, restore, and loading images
fontStyle: 'normal 11px Verdana', //font style for text descriptions
slidespeed: 200 //speed of description panel animation (in millisec)
//No need to edit beyond here...
function fadeSlideShow(settingarg){
var setting=this.setting
setting.fadeduration=setting.fadeduration? parseInt(setting.fadeduration) : 500
setting.curimage=(setting.persist)? fadeSlideShow.routines.getCookie("gallery-"+setting.wrapperid) : 0
setting.curimage=setting.curimage || 0 //account for curimage being null if cookie is empty
setting.currentstep=0 //keep track of # of slides slideshow has gone through (applicable in displaymode='auto' only)
setting.totalsteps=setting.imagearray.length*(setting.displaymode.cycles>0? setting.displaymode.cycles : Infinity) //Total steps limit (applicable in displaymode='auto' only w/ cycles>0)
setting.fglayer=0, setting.bglayer=1 //index of active and background layer (switches after each change of slide)
setting.oninit=setting.oninit || function(){}
setting.onslide=setting.onslide || function(){}
if (setting.displaymode.randomize) //randomly shuffle order of images?
setting.imagearray.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})
var preloadimages=[] //preload images
setting.longestdesc="" //get longest description of all slides. If no desciptions defined, variable contains ""
for (var i=0; i<setting.imagearray.length; i++){ //preload images
preloadimages[i]=new Image()
if (setting.imagearray[i][3] && setting.imagearray[i][3].length>setting.longestdesc.length)
var closebutt=fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[0] //add close button to "desc" panel if descreveal="always"
setting.closebutton=(setting.descreveal=="always")? '<img class="close" src="'+closebutt[0]+'" style="float:right;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;width:'+closebutt[1]+'px;height:'+closebutt[2]+'px;margin-left:2px" title="Hide Description" />' : ''
var slideshow=this
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //fire on DOM ready
var setting=slideshow.setting
var fullhtml=fadeSlideShow.routines.getFullHTML(setting.imagearray) //get full HTML of entire slideshow
setting.$wrapperdiv=$('#'+setting.wrapperid).css({position:'relative', visibility:'visible', background:'black', overflow:'hidden', width:setting.dimensions[0], height:setting.dimensions[1]}).empty() //main slideshow DIV
if (setting.$wrapperdiv.length==0){ //if no wrapper DIV found
alert("Error: DIV with ID \""+setting.wrapperid+"\" not found on page.")
setting.$gallerylayers=$('<div class="gallerylayer"></div><div class="gallerylayer"></div>') //two stacked DIVs to display the actual slide
.css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0, width:'100%', height:'100%', background:'white'})
var $loadingimg=$('<img src="'+fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[2][0]+'" style="position:absolute;width:'+fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[2][1]+';height:'+fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[2][2]+'" />')
.css({left:setting.dimensions[0]/2-fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[2][1]/2, top:setting.dimensions[1]/2-fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[2][2]}) //center loading gif
var $curimage=setting.$gallerylayers.html(fullhtml).find('img').hide().eq(setting.curimage) //prefill both layers with entire slideshow content, hide all images, and return current image
if (setting.longestdesc!="" && setting.descreveal!="none"){ //if at least one slide contains a description (versus feature is enabled but no descriptions defined) and descreveal not explicitly disabled
fadeSlideShow.routines.adddescpanel($, setting)
if (setting.descreveal=="always"){ //position desc panel so it's visible to begin with
setting.${ //asign click behavior to "close" icon
if ("close"){
setting.${ //asign click behavior to "restore" icon
else if (setting.descreveal=="ondemand"){ //display desc panel on demand (mouseover)
setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseenter', function(){slideshow.showhidedescpanel('show')})
setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseleave', function(){slideshow.showhidedescpanel('hide')})
setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseenter', function(){setting.ismouseover=true}) //pause slideshow mouseover
setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseleave', function(){setting.ismouseover=false})
if ($curimage.get(0).complete){ //accounf for IE not firing image.onload
else{ //initialize slideshow when first image has fully loaded
$curimage.bind('load', function(){slideshow.showslide(setting.curimage)})
- //trigger oninit() event
$(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist
if (slideshow.setting.persist) //remember last shown image's index
fadeSlideShow.routines.setCookie("gallery-"+setting.wrapperid, setting.curimage)
jQuery.each(slideshow.setting, function(k){
if (slideshow.setting[k] instanceof Array){
for (var i=0; i<slideshow.setting[k].length; i++){
if (slideshow.setting[k][i].tagName=="DIV") //catches 2 gallerylayer divs, gallerystatus div
var setting=this.setting
if (setting.displaymode.type=="auto"){ //in auto mode
setting.displaymode.type="manual" //switch to "manual" mode when nav buttons are clicked on
setting.displaymode.wraparound=true //set wraparound option to true
if (!isNaN(parseInt(keyword))){ //go to specific slide?
else if (/(prev)|(next)/i.test(keyword)){ //go back or forth inside slide?
var slideshow=this
var setting=slideshow.setting
if (setting.displaymode.type=="auto" && setting.ismouseover && setting.currentstep<=setting.totalsteps){ //if slideshow in autoplay mode and mouse is over it, pause it
setting.playtimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.showslide('next')}, setting.displaymode.pause)
var totalimages=setting.imagearray.length
var imgindex=(keyword=="next")? (setting.curimage<totalimages-1? setting.curimage+1 : 0)
: (keyword=="prev")? (setting.curimage>0? setting.curimage-1 : totalimages-1)
: Math.min(keyword, totalimages-1)
var $slideimage=setting.$gallerylayers.eq(setting.bglayer).find('img').hide().eq(imgindex).show() //hide all images except current one
var imgdimensions=[$slideimage.width(), $slideimage.height()] //center align image
$slideimage.css({marginLeft: (imgdimensions[0]>0 && imgdimensions[0]<setting.dimensions[0])? setting.dimensions[0]/2-imgdimensions[0]/2 : 0})
$slideimage.css({marginTop: (imgdimensions[1]>0 && imgdimensions[1]<setting.dimensions[1])? setting.dimensions[1]/2-imgdimensions[1]/2 : 0})
if (setting.descreveal=="peekaboo" && setting.longestdesc!=""){ //if descreveal is set to "peekaboo", make sure description panel is hidden before next slide is shown
clearTimeout(setting.hidedesctimer) //clear hide desc panel timer
slideshow.showhidedescpanel('hide', 0) //and hide it immediately
setting.$gallerylayers.eq(setting.bglayer).css({zIndex:1000, opacity:0}) //background layer becomes foreground
.stop().css({opacity:0}).animate({opacity:1}, setting.fadeduration, function(){ //Callback function after fade animation is complete:
-, setting.$gallerylayers.eq(setting.fglayer).get(0), setting.curimage)
alert("Fade In Slideshow error: An error has occured somwhere in your code attached to the \"onslide\" event: "+e)
if (setting.descreveal=="peekaboo" && setting.longestdesc!=""){
setting.hidedesctimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.showhidedescpanel('hide')}, setting.displaymode.pause-fadeSlideShow_descpanel.slidespeed)
if (setting.displaymode.type=="auto"){
if (setting.currentstep<=setting.totalsteps || setting.displaymode.cycles==0)
setting.playtimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.showslide('next')}, setting.displaymode.pause)
}) //end callback function
setting.$gallerylayers.eq(setting.fglayer).css({zIndex:999}) //foreground layer becomes background
setting.bglayer=(setting.bglayer==0)? 1 : 0
if (setting.$descpanel){
setting.$descpanel.css({visibility:(setting.imagearray[imgindex][3])? 'visible' : 'hidden'})
if (setting.imagearray[imgindex][3]) //if this slide contains a description
setting.$descinner.empty().html(setting.closebutton + setting.imagearray[imgindex][3])
if (setting.displaymode.type=="manual" && !setting.displaymode.wraparound){
if (setting.$status) //if status container defined
setting.$status.html(setting.curimage+1 + "/" + totalimages)
showhidedescpanel:function(state, animateduration){
var setting=this.setting
var endpoint=(state=="show")? setting.dimensions[1]-setting.panelheight : this.setting.dimensions[1]
setting.$descpanel.stop().animate({top:endpoint}, (typeof animateduration!="undefined"? animateduration : fadeSlideShow_descpanel.slidespeed), function(){
if (setting.descreveal=="always" && state=="hide")
setting.$restorebutton.css({visibility:'visible'}) //show restore button
var slideshow=this
var setting=this.setting
if (setting.togglerid){ //if toggler div defined
setting.$prev=setting.$togglerdiv.find('.prev').data('action', 'prev')
setting.$next=setting.$togglerdiv.find('.next').data('action', 'next')
setting.$prev.add(setting.$next).click(function(e){ //assign click behavior to prev and next controls
var $target=$(this)
var setting=this.setting
setting.$prev.css({opacity:(setting.curimage==0)? 0.4 : 1}).data('action', (setting.curimage==0)? 'none' : 'prev')
setting.$next.css({opacity:(setting.curimage==setting.imagearray.length-1)? 0.4 : 1}).data('action', (setting.curimage==setting.imagearray.length-1)? 'none' : 'next')
if (document.documentMode==8){ //in IE8 standards mode, apply opacity to inner image of link
setting.$prev.find('img:eq(0)').css({opacity:(setting.curimage==0)? 0.4 : 1})
setting.$next.find('img:eq(0)').css({opacity:(setting.curimage==setting.imagearray.length-1)? 0.4 : 1})
var layerHTML=(imgelement[1])? '<a href="'+imgelement[1]+'" target="'+imgelement[2]+'">\n' : '' //hyperlink slide?
layerHTML+='<img src="'+imgelement[0]+'" style="border-width:0;" />\n'
layerHTML+=(imgelement[1])? '</a>\n' : ''
return layerHTML //return HTML for this layer
var preloadhtml=''
for (var i=0; i<imagearray.length; i++)
return preloadhtml
adddescpanel:function($, setting){
setting.$descpanel=$('<div class="fadeslidedescdiv"></div>')
.css({position:'absolute', visibility:'hidden', width:'100%', left:0, top:setting.dimensions[1], font:fadeSlideShow_descpanel.fontStyle, zIndex:'1001'})
$('<div class="descpanelbg"></div><div class="descpanelfg"></div>') //create inner nav panel DIVs
.css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0, width:setting.$descpanel.width()-8, padding:'4px'})
.eq(0).css({background:'black', opacity:0.7}).end() //"descpanelbg" div
.eq(1).css({color:'white'}).html(setting.closebutton + setting.longestdesc).end() //"descpanelfg" div
if (setting.descreveal=="always"){ //create restore button
setting.$restorebutton=$('<img class="restore" title="Restore Description" src="' + fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[1][0] +'" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;right:0;bottom:0;z-index:1002;width:'+fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[1][1]+'px;height:'+fadeSlideShow_descpanel.controls[1][2]+'px;cursor:pointer;cursor:hand" />')
var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return null
setCookie:function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"=" + value + ";path=/"
<script type="text/javascript">
var mygallery=new fadeSlideShow({
wrapperid: "fadeshow1", //ID of blank DIV on page to house Slideshow
dimensions: [900, 675], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of largest image
imagearray: [
["", "", "", "Nothing beats relaxing next to the pool when the weather is hot."],
["", "", "_new", "Some day I'd like to explore these caves!"],
["", "", "", "What a beautiful scene with everything changing colors."] //<--no trailing comma after very last image element!
displaymode: {type:'auto', pause:2500, cycles:0, wraparound:false},
persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
descreveal: "peekaboo",
togglerid: ""
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
Line 318: Line 21:
<div id="fadeshow1"></div>
<h1>Community Outreach</h1>
<h1>Community Outreach</h1>
<hr style="color: #800000; height:3px;" />
<hr style="color: #800000; height:3px;" />

Revision as of 16:46, 29 September 2012

Community Outreach

ASU iGem Team guest speaking at Bioscience High School

BioScience High School Internship Program

ASU iGEM participated in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering (SBHSE) Summer Intern Program by hosting high school students. Both the team members and high school students worked on the project. The students gained a strong knowledge of molecular biology lab techniques as well as a solid understanding of the chimeric reporter systems. At the end of the summer, the students gave presentations to the SBHSE detailing their experiences with ASU iGEM. 

Teaching Synthetic Biology in High Schools

The ASU iGEM team presented “Exploring Synthetic Biology” curriculum to high school biotechnology classes. The ASU iGEM team is working with various high schools around the state of Arizona to start iGEM teams. In addition, ASU iGEM is working with BioScience high school to develop a project idea for the 2013 high school iGEM competition.

Our Vision for the High School Division of iGEM

The high school division of iGEM has the potential to alter the current approaches to teaching science education in high school. Currently, many students are discouraged to continue in the sciences upon reaching college due to the perceived tediousness and rote memorization that has defined many high school science classes. iGEM, with its hands-on approach, could rekindle an interest and enthusiasm in the natural sciences engineering, and mathematics amongst high school students.

Currently, the high school division of iGEM is centralized to the American midwest, with sparse involvement from other regions. We aim to challenge this current predicament by introducing the emerging field of synthetic biology to high schools across the state of Arizona to spur curiosity towards the field and allow high school students to get involved in cutting-edge research opportunities.

Our vision for the future of the high school division involves a multitude of high schools across Arizona participating in the iGEM competition and spreading the competition to nearby states to transform the high school competition into one that spans the entire United States and possibly the world. A problem that many high schools run into is the fact that they cannot afford to the travel expenses necessary to send students to competition. We would like to see iGEM expand to a virtual forum in which the competition is not centered on in-person presentations. This allows for iGEM to be all inclusive thereby allowing interested high schools to be a part of the competition regardless of financial constraints.