<li>2uL Epicentre T5 Exonuclease 1U/uL (cat N° T5E4111K) from Illumina</li>
<li>2uL T5 Exonuclease 1U/uL (cat N° T5E4111K) from Epicentre</li>
<p>It is important to dilute the T5 Exonuclease stock from 10U/uL to 1U/ul to measure the volume correctly</p>
<p>It is important to dilute the T5 Exonuclease stock from 10U/uL to 1U/ul to measure the volume correctly</p>
<li>50uL Taq DNA Ligase 2000 U/uL (cat N° M208S) from NEB</li>
<li>50uL Taq DNA Ligase 2000 U/uL (cat N° M208S) from NEB</li>
Line 109:
Line 108:
<li>11uL of nuclease free water</li>
<li>11uL of nuclease free water</li>
<li>1uL of T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>1uL of T4 DNA ligase</li>
<li>Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes</li>
<li>Heat inactivate at 80°C for 20 minutes</li>
<li>[[#E.coli Transformation|Transform]]</li>
Line 159:
Line 161:
<li>Leave on ice for 30 minutes</li>
<li>Leave on ice for 30 minutes</li>
<li>Heat shock at 42°C for 60 seconds</li>
<li>Heat shock at 42°C for 60 seconds</li>
<li>Add 250uL of [#Growth media| LB media]</li>
<li>Add 250uL of [[#Growth Media| LB media]]</li>
<li>Incubate at 37°C in a rotating shaker for 1 hour (Ampicillin) or 2 hours (Chloramphenicol and Kanamycin)</li>
<li>Incubate at 37°C in a rotating shaker for 1 hour (Ampicillin) or 2 hours (Chloramphenicol and Kanamycin)</li>
<li>Plate 50uL of transformed cells to a LB agar petri dish with corresponding antibiotic (30ug/mL Kanamycin or 30ug/mL Chloramphenicol or 100ug/mL Ampicillin)</li>
<li>Plate 50uL of transformed cells to a LB agar petri dish with corresponding antibiotic (30ug/mL Kanamycin or 30ug/mL Chloramphenicol or 100ug/mL Ampicillin)</li>
Latest revision as of 05:42, 21 September 2012
Project: Luxilla - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, iGEM 2012
2uL T5 Exonuclease 1U/uL (cat N° T5E4111K) from Epicentre
It is important to dilute the T5 Exonuclease stock from 10U/uL to 1U/ul to measure the volume correctly
50uL Taq DNA Ligase 2000 U/uL (cat N° M208S) from NEB
216.75uL of nuclease free H20
Alicuot 9uL in 0.2mL PCR tubes. This will yield about 42 reactions
DNA assembly protocols
Standard Assembly
The standard assembly reaction relies on the standarization of Biobricks to join different DNA parts. Plasmids from the registry of standard parts allow joining of DNA parts by using a combination of specific enzymes to cut a Upstream Biobrick with the restriction enzymes EcoRI and SpeI, and a Downstream Biobrick with the restriction enzymes XbaI and PstI into a Destination plasmid which has been cut with the restriction enzymes EcoRI and PstI. The reaction yields the Upstream and Downstream part joined by a mixed restriction site and allows further elongation of the construct by the same strategy. It is important to notice that such a reaction requires purification of the digested parts if any of the plasmids (Upstream, Downstream or Destination) share a resistance marker.
Gibson Assembly is a DNA assembly method created by Daniel Gibson during the development of the first Synthetic Genome (Synthia) (reference YYY). Its adaptation to a cloning method allows fast and accurate production of increasingly complex constructions. The strategy behind the method relies on PCR to obtain different parts which share a 40bp homology region, and a 3 enzyme reaction which produces cohesive ends, fills the gaps between the parts and ligates the resulting construct into a scarless assembly of various (>2) parts.
Design primers
The easiest way to design primers to obtain amplicons with the required overlaps (40bp final overlaps) is to make an in sillico design of the final construct
Design forward primer of right amplicon of joint in 5'->3' direction
Calculate length of annealing part of primer as to reach a Tm of approximately 63°C
Add 20 bp of overlap
Design reverse primer of left amplicon of joint in 5'->3' direction
To do this, select full joint and "reverse complement" it (be sure to be able to discriminate between right and left parts of joint)
Calculate length of annealing part of primer as to reach a Tm of approximately 63°C
Add 20 bp of overlap
Apply same principle in all joints
Obtaining parts
PCR parts using Phusion Polymerase datasheet indications. It is important to use a low ammount of template plasmid (10pg) as to reduce possibility of carry-over during band purification
Run agarose gel electrophoresis on a adecuate gel (50bp to 200bp parts should be run on a 3% w/v agarose gel, larger parts should be run on a 1% w/v to 1.5% w/v agarose gel) until clear distinction of bands is achieved. It is recommended that gels should be exposed as little as possible to UV transilluminators as UV light damages DNA.
Cut band and proceed with band purification. Elute in smallest volume as possible according to your kit specification
Quantify purified DNA
Assembly reaction
The assembly reaction is composed of 9uL of 1.33X Gibson assembly master mix + 3uL of purified parts DNA
The calculation of the ratio at which your DNA parts are should be in correspondence to the level of competence of your cells. We have found that with our cells (5*10^⁸ colonies/ug of pUC19 DNA) the following ratios work well
Calculate the amount of pmoles of each purified DNA part using the following equation: pmoles of DNA = weigth in ng * 1000 (conversion factor from nano to pico) / (650 Daltons * base pair length of part)
We have seen that using 0.01 picomoles of template (part with the selection resistance) and the rest of parts at 0.03 picomoles and above, yield a high ratio of true positive transformants and a decent number of colonies to check
Thoroughly mix the 3uL of purified parts DNA with the 9uL of 1.33X Gibson assembly master mix in ice
Directly incubate the reaction at 50°C for 1 hour
Transform competent cells with 8uL of assembled DNA (that leaves 4uL to check in an agarose gel if the reaction fails)
Checking assembly
Check transformant colonies by colony PCR using primers for whole insert
Grow positive colonies in media with corresponding antibiotic
Miniprep colonies and digest plasmid with EcoRI & PstI restriction enzymes
If checking protocols validate until now, proceed by sequencing to corroborate
E.coli Transformation
Keep 50uL of [http://openwetware.org/wiki/TOP10_chemically_competent_cells chemically competent cells] in ice (for no more than 10 minutes until transformation)
Mix 0.01 to 1 total ng of plasmid with competent cells (depending on size of plasmid and competence of your cells)
Flick very softly to mix (competent cells are very fragile)
Incubate at 37°C in a rotating shaker for 1 hour (Ampicillin) or 2 hours (Chloramphenicol and Kanamycin)
Plate 50uL of transformed cells to a LB agar petri dish with corresponding antibiotic (30ug/mL Kanamycin or 30ug/mL Chloramphenicol or 100ug/mL Ampicillin)