Team:UC Chile2/General Protocols


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<li>The calculation of the ratio at which your DNA parts are should be in correspondence to the level of competence of your cells. We have found that with our cells (5*10^⁸ colonies/ug of pUC19 DNA) the following ratios work well</li>
<li>The calculation of the ratio at which your DNA parts are should be in correspondence to the level of competence of your cells. We have found that with our cells (5*10^⁸ colonies/ug of pUC19 DNA) the following ratios work well</li>
<li>Calculate the amount of pmoles of each purified DNA part using the following equation: pmoles of DNA = Concentration (ng/uL) * 650 Daltons/(1000{nano->pico conversion factor} * base pair length of part)</li>
<li>Calculate the amount of pmoles of each purified DNA part using the following equation: pmoles of DNA = weigth in ng * 1000 (conversion factor from nano to pico) / (650 Daltons * base pair length of part)</li>
<li>We have seen that using 0.01 picomoles of template (part with the selection resistance) and the rest of parts at 0.03 picomoles and above, yield a high ratio of true positive transformants and a decent number of colonies to check</li>
<li>Thoroughly mix the 3uL of purified parts DNA with the 9uL of 1.33X Gibson assembly master mix in ice</li>
<li>Directly incubate the reaction at 50°C for 1 hour</li>
<li>Transform competent cells with 8uL of assembled DNA (that leaves 4uL to check in an agarose gel if the reaction fails)</li>

Revision as of 04:25, 13 September 2012

Project: Luxilla - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, iGEM 2012