Team:Wageningen UR/Existing Parts


Parts we used

For our project, we used few bricks from the 2012 Spring Distribution Kit. A list is included below.

Part Name Description
[ Bba_B0015] Terminator double terminator (B0010-B0012)
[ Bba_I13522] pTet GFP Untagged GFP behind a constitutive promoter.
[ Bba_J04450] RFP Coding Device RFP Coding Device (iptg + Cap induced, pSB1C3 backbone)
[ Bba_J04500] IPTG inducable promotor with RBS R0010.B0034
[ Bba_K197021] EILD One peptide of a heterodimeric leucine zipper that dimerizes with KILR.
[ Bba_K197022] KILR A heterodimeric peptide that dimerizes to EILD. This can be used for adhering two cells together to evolve new two cell chemistry and functions.
[ Bba_K197038] BBb - BseRI/AcuI entry vector This part is and entry vector in BBb Format. It is flanked by BamHI, BseRI, BglII, and AcuI sites and is used in the 2AB Layered Assembly scheme developed at UC Berkeley.