

UCSF iGEM Team Bootcamp

Monday June 18, BH-212

10-12 Review of week 1, introduction of other relevant topics(VERONICA)
1-4 pm Brainstorming exercise and team building activity

Tuesday June 19, BH-212

10-12 Project Brainstorming Day #1
1-4 Break into Teams, develop project ideas

Wednesday June 20, GH-S261

10-12 Project Brainstorming Day #2
1-4pm Break into teams, further develop project ideas, put together presentation/proposal

Thursday June 21, GH-S261

9-11am Finalize presentations
11am Presentation of Project Proposals
12pm Lunch (provided)
1-4pm Decision on final project(s), break down project(s) into smaller groups

Friday June 22, GH-S261

Begin organizing and preparing for lab work (order primers, start growing strains, etc)