Team:UANL Mty-Mexico/Team


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iGEM UANL 2012


Real name: Janett Guadalupe Villarreal Halún

Nickname(s): Jany

Semester: 11/10 :P

Very fond of: Graphic arts with application to Biotechnology, Micropropagation, Molecular Medicine, Gene Therapy

Favorite food and drink(s): Arab Food/Hamburgers/Mom and Dad's food and i love milkshakes and water

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: hug zombies :) and design them T-shirts.

Favorite meme: Annoying Facebook Girl, ALL the things, Forever Alone, Y U NO Guy

Real name: Janssel Reyes del Castillo

Nickname(s): Mattie (8), vizconde, bizco, bizcocho 

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology

Favorite food and drink(s): tacos and lemonade, totopos (lot of totopos...)

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Surely 

hunt zombies and sell zombie-tacos

Special skills: mini-prep with both hands, meticulous orthography and 

creation of "Bad luck Brian" memes.

be watchin' the following TV series: The Walking Dead and Dr. House

Favorite meme: Bad luck Brian

Real name: Diego Cuerda Gil

Nickname: Escudo, Daiegou

Semester: 7.2/20000000

Very fond of: Genetic Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Safety.

Favorite food and drink(s): Sierra, Fraile (beer).

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Shoot them all...

Special skills: Bacteria killer, retrophoresis master.

(be watchin' the following TV series: Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Continuum)

Real name: Daniel Rodríguez

Nickname: D:papi<--- que pedo

Semester: 11/10 

Very fond of: 

Favorite food and drink(s): Chocolala

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: 

Special skills: 

(be watchin' the following TV series: 

Real name: Paola Berenice Flores Moreno

Nickname: Pao

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: Genetic Engineering, Synthetic Biology

Favorite food and drink(s):  Italian food and Skittles Vodka

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: amaze

Special skills: cells cultures (with Vodka)

(be watchin' the following TV series: how I met your mother and criminal minds

 genius (with Vodka...)

Real name: Miguel Angel Loera Sánchez

Nickname(s): Miquele, Champ

Semester: 11/10

Very fond of: Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering

Favorite food and drink(s): coffee

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: play piano, very passionately.

Favorite meme: That Really Rustled My Jimmies, Neil deGrasse reaction face

Real name: Juan F. Quijano 

Nickname(s): combinations from my real name (QuiJuano, JuanFlo, JuijanFlo)

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Astrobiology

Favorite food and drink(s): tacos and lemonade (just like the fool of Jansel)

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: going dancing at the club with my friends and a few zombies (including zombie-Jansel)

Special skills: PCR, scientific images illustration, electro-dancing, rapping (rapeing??), cooking, bullying Janssel (sometimes)

be watchin' the following TV series: I don’t know... I'm just replying this because the fool of Jansel did it

Favorite meme: Bad lucky-Jansel, lol!!!

Real name: René Robles González


Semester: 7/10 

Very fond of: minipreps, digestion, faster cloner of the West (of the lab...)

Favorite food and drink(s):

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Clone their genes...

Special skills: (Do I mention “cloning”?)

(be watchin' the following TV series: 

 genius, bad luck brian :D

Real name: Justin D. Bieber

Nickname: Albert Izaak

Birthplace: London Ontario, Canada, raised in Stratford, Ontario Canada

Semester: 2/4 (High school)

Very fond of: Singing, eating meat (except in Mondays).

Favorite food and drink(s): carne, albert, carne!. (meat, Albert, meat!)

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Singing for world peace 

Special skills: Eating meat while singing for peace, autographs and PCR

(be watchin' the following TV series: Nickelodeon Choice Awards

Real name: Ivan Azael Morales Alvarado

Nickname(s): John, Sarge, Colonel

Semester: 09/10

Very fond of: Military skills, Zelda and biotechnology

Favorite food and drink(s): Pizza, Hamburgers, mmm lo que sea...

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: dancing thriller...and shot them in the the same time.

Favorite meme: I have no idea what I’m doing, dog

Real name: Denisse Reyna

Nickname: Flaca, Ingrada, Desgraciada, Nisy

Semester: 4/10 Industrial Design

Very fond of: Colored pants

Favorite food and drink(s): Muffin + Arizona

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Kill zombies 

Special skills: Gobernating the construction work at the Synthetic Biology Tunnel

(be watchin' the following TV series: Friends

Real Name: Jesús Gilberto Rodríguez Ceja

Nickname: Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ♪

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: Synthetic Biology, Video games.

Favorite food and drink: Almost All XD

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Watching my favorite TV Serie or (and) killing zombies with a nail clipper

Special skills: Disable iGem team skills at will, getting positive clones fast fast fast...

(be watchin´ the following TV series: The Walking Dead

Favorite meme: Bad Luck Brian

Real name: Moses Jacob Rothschild 

Nickname: Klauss

Birthplace: Ur, raised in Monterrey

Semester: 54/9 

Very fond of: Genes regulation (actually, imitate people).

Favorite food and drink(s): Sweets, chocolate, meat loaf, bread and barbecue 

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: change the channel (Nikelodeon for sure.. Supah Ninjas!!!) 

Special skills: Ultra fast Minipreps, ultra speed geal loading, forget almost everything...

(be watchin' the following TV series: Nickelodeon Choice Awards, Adventure Time, Supah Ninjas, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Disney Club.

Real name: Arely Marina Rodríguez Márquez

Nickname: AreLoca

Semester: 9/10 

Very fond of: Industrial Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.

Favorite food and drink(s): Buffalo wings, Mojitos, Sprite and Beer.

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Cut paper...

Special skills: Say NO! and PCR’s, incubate tubes!

(be watchin' the following TV series: M.A.S.H , Top Gear, Wilfred and Scrubs.

 Bitch please, NOT BAD, Philosoraptor, Oh God why?

Real name: David Alejandro Gutiérrez Gutiérrez

Nickname: david xD or “Insectos”

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: GMOs, Biohydrogen, In-vitro Meat, Sustainability, Music :D

Favorite food and drink(s): Chocolate

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: Watch WALL-E for a last time...

Special skills: Improving math modelling parameters, musical composition and playing :D

Be watchin' the following TV series: Breaking Bad

Favorite meme: Anti-Joke Rooster, Racist Dog

Real name: Mario Tadeo Treviño González

Nickname: nano


Has a stake in: Molecular Physics, Swimming

Favorite food & drinks: sea food, Newcastle Brown Ale beer

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: chillin’ like a villain

Special skills: abstract thinking, planking, naking

Be watchin’ the following TV series: The Flight of the Conchords, Ren & Stimpy

Favorite meme: Genius

Real name: Rubén Navarro Castillo

Nickname(s): Rubens

Semester: 7/10

Very fond of: 

Favorite food and drink(s): 

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?:

Special skills: guitar Playing, singing

be watchin' the following TV series: 

Real name: Ever Miguel Torres Cordero


Semester: 07/10

Very fond of: TBS, not sleeping, 

Favorite food and drink(s): 

What is he expected to do in a zombie apocalypse?: 

Favorite meme: 


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