

Revision as of 19:20, 9 July 2012 by CamillaSchwartz (Talk | contribs)



Week 1: 4th-8th of June

Exam period starts :(

Week 2: 11th-15th of June

Exams for a lot of our team members but we start designing our primers.

Week 3: 18th-22nd of June

Primers are designed and ordered so we'll have them next week.

Week 4: 25th-29th of June

Exams are finally over and we can start some of the lab work! Yay!!! :D We've divided our construct into two halfs and will in this week be doing PCR on the first half of our construct. We've designed primers for the second half of our construct and ordered them. All our templates, kindly provided by Uppsala, are sent to sequencing in Holland.


Week 1: 2nd-6th of July

The sequencing results have come back, and everything was as we hoped. It took more time than expected to get the new primers so the first days has been spend applying for sponsors, remaking our website, and deciding how to do the next experiments. PCR on the backbone (pSB1C3), and our constitutive promoter has been unsuccessful while we have been able to amplify and cut out a fine band of YF1.

Week 2: 9th-13th of July

We're still having trouble with both pSB1C3 and ProC. We're currently running a self-annealing programme for ProC because it is to small to do PCR. pSB1C3, on the other hand, seems too big so therefore we've lowered the annealing temperature and chosen a longer extension time. So far it has had no effect but we will keep optimizing.

Week 3: dato

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Week 4: dato

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Week 1: dato

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Week 2: dato

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Week 3: dato

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Week 4: dato

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Week 1: dato

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Week 2: dato

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Week 3: dato

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Week 4: dato

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Week 1: dato

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Week 2: dato

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Week 3: dato

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Week 4: dato

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This is our notebook, displaying how our work has progressed throughout the summer.