Team:Wageningen UR/WouterElings


Wouter Elings

Wouter celebrating
  • Alias: Pinky
  • Age: 23
  • Nationality: Dutch
  • Study: Molecular Lifesciences
  • Reason to join iGEM: Because it is awesome!
  • Role within iGEM: Student: Polero captain / Lab manager
  • Height: 1.80m
  • Weight: 72 kg
  • Shoe size: 44
  • Favourite radio station during Lab work: Veronica Rock Radio
  • Favourite song during Lab work: Girl with the leek []
  • Favourite Lab Job: Delegating
  • Favourite Lab anecdote: “Does this smell like almond to you?”
  • Favourite Lab apparatus: Bunsen burner
  • Favourite hot drink: Irish coffee
  • Favourite cold drink: Beer
  • Favourite food: Pepernoten
  • Most proudest achievement: Being in this team and receiving its trust to present our project in Amsterdam and, hopefully, Boston.
  • Favourite quote: “What are we going to do today Brain?"