Team:Wageningen UR/Team


Revision as of 13:21, 8 May 2012 by RNitschel (Talk | contribs)

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This is a template page. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS.
You are provided with this team page template with which to start the iGEM season. You may choose to personalize it to fit your team but keep the same "look." Or you may choose to take your team wiki to a different level and design your own wiki. You can find some examples HERE.
You MUST have all of the pages listed in the menu below with the names specified. PLEASE keep all of your pages within your teams namespace.

You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc. Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
Wageningen UR logo.png
Your team picture
Team Wageningen_UR

Home Team Official Team Profile Project Parts Submitted to the Registry Modeling Notebook Safety Attributions

Who we are


  • Advisor 1: Mark van Passel
  • Advisor 2: Floor Hugenholtz
  • Team Captain: Kees van der Ark


  • Student 1: Jeroen Bosman
  • Student 2: Agneya Bhushan
  • Student 3: Nick Brouwers
  • Student 4: Niels Dammes
  • Student 5: Yue Han
  • Student 6: Joel Klein
  • Student 7: Robert Nitschel
  • Student 8: Thijs Slijkhuis
  • Student 9: Lisa Sonnenberg
  • Student 10: Mark van Veen
  • Student 11: Hugo de Vries

What we did

(Provide proper attribution for all work)

Where we're from