2 maxipreps using 200 ml of LB each, for RO + Spc. and LovTAP + Amp.
In the morning we realized that the bacteria had been overnight at 30.7ºC, so we left them 4 extra hours at 37ºC.
- Centrifuge them for 20 min at 4000 rpm, thow away the supernatant and continue with the Maxiprep protocol.
- In the last step, centrifuge the Falcon tubes at 4000 rpm, for one hour.
- Bring the tubes to hood in the cell lab.
- Remove the supernatant with the vacuum pump.
- Add 5 ml of ethanol, shake gently, and remove with the vacuum pump. Be careful with the DNA pellet!
- Leave the tubes open, at the back of the hood, with the label "DNA drying".
Protocol: None
Forgot to insert protocol.
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