Team:Austin Texas/Plasmids and Strains


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Plasmid Database

All plasmid stocks are in the –20°C freezer. Slots are labelled 1 through 81 in each box.

Box Label Name Part Plasmid Source Sequence Added by
Plasmid Box 1 cadA ASKA cadA plasmid Barrick Lab
Plasmid Box 1 ldcC ASKA ldcC plasmid Barrick Lab
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM001 LasR Promoter [ BBa_R0079] pSB1A2 2012 kit plate 1 (12A) Verified Razan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM002 LasR [ BBa_C0079] pSB3K3 2012 kit plate 1 (14J) Verified Razan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM003 Lac Promoter [ BBa_R0010] pSB1A2 2012 kit plate 1 (1D) Razan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM004 GFP [ BBa_I714891] pSB3K3 2012 kit plate 2 (15L) Verified Ben
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM005 RFP [ BBa_K081014] pSB1AK3 2012 kit plate 3 (12O) Verified Ben
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM006 LasI [ BBa_K081009] pSB1A2 2012 kit plate 2 (10N) Verified Ben
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM007 RBS + LacI [ BBa_J24679] pSB1A2 2012 kit plate 1 (7L) Verified Aurko
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM008 Double terminator (BBa_B0010 - BBa_B0012) [ BBa_B0015] pSB1AK3 2012 kit plate 1 (23L) Verified Aurko
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM009 J23100 promoter - sfGFP (Part:BBa_K515105) [ BBa_K515105] pSB1C3 2012 kit plate 5 (1K)
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM014 Plasmid pSB1A3 backbone with RFP Insert [ BBa_J04450] pSB1A3 2012 kit plate 1 (1G) Logan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM015 Plasmid pSB1C3 backbone with RFP Insert [ BBa_J04450] pSB1C3 2012 kit plate 1 (3A) Logan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM016 Plasmid pSB1K3 backbone with RFP Insert [ BBa_J04450] pSB1K3 2012 kit plate 1 (5A) Logan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM017 Plasmid pSB1T3 backbone with RFP Insert [ BBa_J04450] pSB1T3 2012 kit plate 1 (7A) Logan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM021 RFP [ BBa_J06504] pSB1A2 2012 kit plate 1 (13F) Incorrect Ben
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM022 pAK.TAQ Jared Mike
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM023 pET21.KOD Jared Mike
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM024 pQL269 Jared Mike
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM025 pACYC.T7.GFP Jared Mike
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM026 sfGFP pET21 Razan
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM027 Promoter-Theophylline riboswitch 1-Venus-Double terminator [ BBa_K537009] pSB1C3 2012 kit plate 5 (2M) Incorrect Ben
Plasmid Box 1 pIGM028 Theophylline Riboswitch 1-Venus [ BBa_K537003] pSB1C3 2012 kit plate 5 (7I) Peter/Ben

Strain Database

All strains are in the back right rack of the –80°C freezer.

Box Slot Label Description Strain Source Added by
iGEM 2012 Box 1 2 AG1 Host strain of ASKA collection Barrick Lab
iGEM 2012 Box 1 3 BW25113 Host strain of Keio collection Barrick Lab
iGEM 2012 Box 1 4 cadA AG1 + ASKA collection cadA plasmid, CamR Barrick Lab
iGEM 2012 Box 1 5 ldcC AG1 + ASKA collection ldcC plasmid, CamR Barrick Lab
iGEM 2012 Box 1 6 tnaA Keio collection knockout (version of odor-less E. coli), KanR Barrick Lab
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM004 pSB3K3-I714891 (GFP - but not used in construct) TOP10 Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM005 pSB1AK3-K081014 (RFP) TOP10 Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM006 pSB1A2-K081009 (LasI) TOP10 Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM009 crdASC (4864 bp) TOP10 Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM010 crdASC (4943 bp) TOP10 Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM011 crdASC (4864 bp) BL21(DE3) Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM012 crdASC (4943 bp) BL21(DE3) Barrick Lab Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 11 IGM013 BBa_K515105: J23100-sfGFP-pSB1C3(CamR) epi300 Parts Kit
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM014 pSB1A3 with RFP Bba_J04450 TOP10 Parts Kit
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM015 pSB1C3 with RFP Bba_J04450 TOP10 Parts Kit
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM016 pSB1K3 with RFP Bba_J04450 TOP10 Parts Kit
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM017 pSB1T3 with RFP Bba_J04450 TOP10 Parts Kit
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM018 pSB1A2 with LasR Promoter Bba_R0079 TOP10 Parts Kit Razan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM019 pSB2K3 with LasR Bba_C0079 TOP10 Parts Kit Razan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM020 pSB1A2 with Lac Promoter Bba_R0010 TOP10 Parts Kit Razan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM021 J23151_GFP_pSB3K3: Bba_I20270 TOP10 Parts Kit Erik
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM022 J23101_GFP_pSB3K3: Bba_I20260 TOP10 Parts Kit Erik
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM023 pet21.KOD TOP10 Jared
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM024 pQL269 TOP10 Jared
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM025 pACYC.T7.GFP TOP10 Jared
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM026 pSB1A2-J06504 (RFP--incorrect sequence) TOP10 Parts Kit Ben
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM027 pAK.TAQ TOP10 Jared
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM028 PAAV-miniCMV-mCherry Bl-21 AI Addgene Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM029 pET-SpA_ScTrp Bl-21 DE3 Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM030 pET-SpA_ScTrp_mCherry_5' Bl-21 AI Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM031 pET-SpA_ScTrp_mCherry_5' Bl-21 DE3 Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM032 pET-SpA_ScTrp_mCherry_3' Bl-21 DE3 Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM033 pET-SpA_ScTrp Bl-21 DE3 Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM034 pAAV-miniCMV-mCherry Bl-21 DE3 Logan
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM035 psb3k3-J2315.ORF1 + pra301-ndmApro TOP10 Barrick Lab Peter
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM036 J23001-NdmABCDgst9-pSB1C3 BW25113-guaB Erik Erik
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM037 psb3k3-J2315.ORF1 TOP10 Barrick Lab Peter
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM038 none BW25113-guaB Erik Erik
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM039 pSB1C3-K537011 TOP10 iGEM parts kit Peter
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM040 pSB1C3-K537003 TOP10 iGEM parts kit Peter
iGEM 2012 Box 1 IGM041 NdmABCD BW25113-guaB Erik Razan