Team:NCTU Formosa/Project-sub5


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 Future works

 Ingredient Production

Figure 23.Cell-surface display of Cex by means of PgsA anchor protein

Figure 24.

In order to realize our idea to change trash into fuel, we did some research. Therefore, what we have to do is to figure out how to degrade the cellulose. First, we want to get xylose from cellulose through xylanase. Xylanase is a class of enzyme which degrades the linear polysaccharide beta-1,4-xylan into xylose, thus breaks down hemicellulose, one of the major components of plant cell walls. Xylose is a good carbon source. As such, xylanase plays a major role in micro-organisms thriving on plant sources (mammals, conversely, do not produce xylanase).

According to the Journal of Applied Microbiology ( Y.P. Chen et al. 2011), the cell-surface display of Cex, which encodes xylanase from Cellulomonas fimi, was constructed on E.coli using PgsA as the anchor protein.In Figure 24, it shows that Cex do have the activity to catalyze xylan into xylose.

Figure 25.Isobutanol production through consolidated bioprocessing(CBP). There’re 2 types of E.coli in the reactor. One contains Cex-PgsA, which degrades hemicellulose and produces xylose. Another contains BBa_K887002, which turns xylose to isobutanol.

Another advantage of using PgsA fusion enzyme is that it can lead isobutanol-producing enzymes to catalysis through consolidated bioprocessing(CBP) , the CBP in converting cellulose into isobutanol requires combinations of biological events(production of xylanases, hydrolysis of the polysaccharides in the biomass, temperature controlling, and production of isobutanol) in one reactor. CBP has gained recognition as a potential breakthrough for low-cost biomass processing. So, if we incubate E.coli with this mechanism with our isobutanol-synthesis E.coli, we can cost down the expenses of enzyme purification. Finally, the reactor as a whole will be more like a biofuel production line!

 Cellulose Degradation

Furthermore, we found another potential way on coverting cellulose into glucose by utilizing the Biobrick from 2008 and 2011 Edinburgh igem team. Edinburgh2008 iGEM team found out three Coding parts on cellulose degradation,cenA: BBa_K118023 (endoglucanase), cex: BBa_K118022 (exoglucanase), and bglX: BBa_K118028 (beta glucosidase). Edinburgh2011 iGEM team able to display bglX (a cryptic E.coli β-glucosidase gene) and the exoglucanase cex on cell surface. Therefore, through MUG assay and MUC assay, bglX and cex can be proven its effect. Because bglX is capable of degrading the substrate MUG, which has a β (1→4) bond, similar to that of cellobiose. So in the future work, we can use an INP-β-glucosidase fusion (BBa_K523008 + BBa_K523004),which INP(BBa_K523008, based on BBa_K265008), a carrier for displaying enzymes on cell surface, can be used to carry proteins to the cell surface, by constructing BBa_K523013 with a new β-glucosidase (bglX) BioBrick, BBa_K523002.

 Biofuel Industry

Figure 26.We hope to make an automatic control instrument in the future.

Next, we will focus on researching the reaction rate, intermediate, and by-products of mechanisms. For example, the retention time for producing a certain concentration of 2-ketoisovalerate per 300 ml culture medium under different processing parameters!

With the data, we can optimize the Eco-line economic justification; design the flow rate, vessel capacity, the driving equipment and instrumentation for totally auto-controlled system. Thus, we can build a manufacturing automation technology to produce isobutanol inexhaustibly.

Figure 27.The primary thought about our project on an industrial scale.

Furthermore, we wish we could apply our project in commercial way some other day.
We use the cellulase to produce xylose as ingredient(cheaper resource of raw material) in the first drum (preparation stage); The biosynthetic production of isobutanol generated on our project pre-reactor and reactor (reaction stage, R-301& R-302); The last section is to purify isobutanol by azeotropic distillation (separation stage, T-401, D-401& D-402). Hopefully the enormous production could be an alternative of gasoline for future green life.


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