Team:Wageningen UR/HumanBody


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Human Body Model

Human body model introduction Why do we have this human model

Explanation of the model

Case study


Fluorouracil for colon cancer


For the distribution of VLPs throughout the human body, used parameters were obtained from the documentation Slovenia 2012 or from literature sources [1]. The estimated parameters for the organs in table XXX are explained as followed: Blood-flow, the amount of blood in liters flushing throughout the organs, Volumes, the size of the organ, Receptor, the concentration of receptors in uM and the partition coefficient of the medicine that is packaged within the VLP.

Organ Blood-flow [L/min] Volume [L] Receptor 1 [uM] Partition coefficient medicine Slowly perfused tissue 2.12 53.2 0.237 100 Rapidly perfused tissue 1 3.61 0.237 100 Kidney 1.06 0.31 0.237 100 Liver 1.4 1.82 0.237 100 Lung 5.58 0.56 0.237 100 Intestine Healthy 0.94 4.41 0.237 100 Tumor 0.1 0.49 10.716 100 Arterial 5.58 1.7 0.237 100 Venous 5.58 3.9 0.237 100

Parameters that were estimated for non organ variables are found in table 2 and are explained as followed. Affinity constant for receptor, is the binding affinity of the VLPs to the receptor on the cell surface. VLP elimination rate is the half-life of the VLPs. VLP Renal removal rate is the removal rate of the VLPs within the kidneys. Medicine elimination rate is the removal/degradation of the medicine within the human body. The last parameter is the packaging constant which encapsulate the amount of medicine in …. mol? within a single VLP. Affinity constant for receptor 0.001 VLP elimination rate 0.000143 VLP Renal removal rate 0.000403 Medicine elimination rate 0.05 Packaging constant 300






Important parameters

1. Ratio of receptor concentration between tumor and healthy cells 2. Distribution of receptors on cell surface 3. Stability of the VLP 4. Packaging quantity of the VLP 5. Binding affinity of the VLP to the receptor 6. Medicine absorption of tumor / healthy cells

Possibilities of the model

Receptor / Affinity database

Future work / MoSCoW

References Benjamin L. Shneider; Sherman, Philip M. (2008). Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease. Connecticut: PMPH-USA. pp. 751.