Dr. Julianne Grose: Aside from knowing everything: Superwoman
Dr. Sean Warnick: Math genius
Dr. David Kooyman: Our favorite
Amy Fullwood: The Napster
Audrey Buckley: Cloning Queen
Brooke Roark: Coolest Person Alive
Dean Ritchie: Cooler than Brooke
Eric Jones: Rockstar
Hillary Emery: Reformed Convict
Jeffrey Rees: Mountain Man
Joe Anderson: Joe Cool
John Shumway: Piano Medicine Man
Jordan Mackay: All-knowing TA
Joseph Thiriot: Dipthiriot
Josh Yates: Avenger
Julie Roberts: The Lord's Servant
Justin Meek: The Double Agent
Karl Nordgren: Brooke + Dean + 1
Kellie Hecht: World Renown Baker
Kyle Jackson: Bio Ninja
Yuri Cabeza: Yurinator
Amy Fullwood
Audrey Buckley
BYUProvo Team member 3.png
Brooke Roark
BYUProvo Team member 4.png
Dean Ritchie
Eric Jones
Hillary Emery
Jeffrey Rees
BYUProvo Team member 1.png
Joe Anderson
John Shumway
BYUProvo Team member 3.png
Jordan Mackay
BYUProvo Team member 4.png
Joseph Thiriot
BYUProvo Team member 5.png
Josh Yates
BYUProvo Team member 6.png
Julie Roberts
BYUProvo Team member 7.png
Justin Meek
BYUProvo Team member 7.png
Karl Nordgren
BYUProvo Team member 7.png
Kellie Hecht
BYUProvo Team member 7.png
Kyle Jackson
BYUProvo Team member 7.png
Yuri Cabeza
What we did
(Provide proper attribution for all work)
Where we're from
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University is a vibrant campus of 30,000 students, located in Provo, Utah at the foot of the Wasatch Front. BYU is a private university owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.