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We are an inter-institutional team formed by 7 undergraduate students from two important academic institutions in Mexico City, National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). We also represent the Center for Research and Advanced Studies at Irapuato, our home for project development and the institution that have supported our work.

Patricia Arias-Orozco

Experimental Team: Construction of the main regulatory systems and BioBrick Designer.
Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology

Daniel Domínguez-Gómez

Human Practices: Ownership and Feedback.
Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology
National Polytechnic Institute

Lissania Guerra-Calderas

Experimental Team: Butanol Production System and BioBrick Designer.
Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM.

Anna Karen Hernández-Gallardo

Mathematical Team: Mathematical modeling
Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology
National Polytechnic Institute

Jhonatan Alejandro Hernández-Valdés

Experimental Team: Construction of the main regulatory systems and Biobrick Designer
Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM.

Ivan Lopez-Flores

Mathematical Team: Mathematical modeling
Computational Systems Engineering, Superior School for Computation
National Polytechnic Institute


Maritere Uriostegui-Arcos

Experimental Team: Characterization and measurement protocols. BioBrick Designer.
Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM.



Daniel Federico Hernandez Gardiol

Mathematical Team
Systems Biologist: Universidad de la Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay)

Bioengineering Masters Student: Ecole Federal de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Fernando G. Bastida-González

Experimental Team: Master in Health science at Superior Medicine School at National Polytechnic Institute. 



Agustino Martínez-Antonio PhD

Resarcher 3A, SNI I
Genetic Engineering Department, CINVESTAV Irapuato.

Dr. Martinez-Antonio is our lead instructor; he has a PhD in biochemical sciences from Institute for Biotechnology of National Autonomus University of Mexico. He is the current leader of Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab in CINVESTAV Irapuato. His research interest is focused in the perception of environmental signals, information processing and transcriptional regulation in bacteria model, topological analysis, dynamic and modeling of biological networks, the design and construction of circuits, modules and genetic and metabolic systems, and the design and construction of self-replicating molecular and autoreproducibles systems.

Fernando Suaste-Olmos PhD

Institute of Cell Phisiology. UNAM. DR. Suaste has Ph.D. in Basic Biomedical Research

Paola Zárate-Segura PhD

Researcher, Professor
Dra. Zárate Segura has a PhD in Bioprocess from Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology, National Polytechnic Institute.

Nuria Sánchez-Puig

Researcher, Professor
Institute of Chemistry UNAM
Dr. Sanchez-Puig has a PhD from the Center for Protein Engineering.