Lissania Guerra-Calderas
Contribution: Butanol Production Pathway, BioBrick Designer and outreach activities.
4th year undergraduate of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, at Faculty of Chemistry. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Jhonatan Alejandro Hernández-Valdés
Contribution: Project Management, design and development of regulatory systems, BioBrick Designer and outreach activities.
4th year undergraduate of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, at Faculty of Chemistry. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Maritere Uriostegui-Arcos
Contribution: Characterization and measurement protocols, BioBrick Designer and outreach activities.
4th year undergraduate of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, at Faculty of Chemistry. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Anna Karen Hernández-Gallardo Contribution: Mathematical modeling, 4th year undergraduate Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). .
Patricia Arias-Orozco Contribution: Design and development of regulatory systems, BioBrick Designer and outreach activities. 4th year undergraduate Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).
Daniel Domínguez-Gómez
Contribution: Outreach activities, fundraising and project design.
4th year undergraduate Biotechnological Engineering, Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology, National Polytechnic Institute.
Ivan Lopez-Flores Contribution: Mathematical Modeling. Computational Systems Engineering, Superior School for Computation National Polytechnic Institute National Polytechnic Institute
Karen Nava Castro PhD
Contribution: Flow Cytometry Expert. Researcher at Institute of Biomedical Research, Field of study: Immunology. National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM.
Jorge Morales Montor PhD
Contribution: Dry lab support Researcher at Institute of Biomedical Research (IIB, UNAM) Field of study: Neuoimmunoendocrinology National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM.
Daniel Federico Hernandez Gardiol Contribution: Mathematical model Systems Biologist: Universidad de la Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay) Bioengineering Masters Student: Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) National Polytechnic Institute.
Fernando G. Bastida-González Contribution: Wet lab support, Master in Health science at Superior Medicine School at National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).
Agustino Martínez-Antonio PhD
Resarcher 3A, SNI II. Leader instructor; he has a PhD in biochemical sciences from Institute for Biotechnology of National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is the current leader of Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab in CINVESTAV Irapuato. His research interest is focused in the perception of environmental signals, information processing and transcriptional regulation in bacteria model, topological analysis, dynamic and modeling of biological networks, the design and construction of circuits, modules and genetic and metabolic systems, and the design and construction of self-replicating molecular and autoreproducible systems.
Fernando Suaste-Olmos PhD
Researcher at Institute of Cell Physiology IFC-UNAM. He is an expert in Purple Non-Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria.
Nuria Sánchez-Puig PhD
Researcher at Institute of Chemistry UNAM Dr. Sanchez-Puig has a PhD from the Center for Protein Engineering, Cambridge, UK.
Paola Zárate-Segura
Researcher, Dra. Zárate Segura belong to Interdisciplinary Unit for Biotechnology, IPN
Rhodofactory 2012