Register the team, have a great summer and plan to have fun at the Regional JamboreeAs can also be seen at our photos we had a great summer! | |
Complete the judging formThis was completed and submitted. | |
Create and present a wiki, poster and talkAs you can see our wiki is done and of course we are going to present our poster and talk at the Regional Jamboree. | |
Create and document a new BioBrickCreated new Ca2+ sensor BioBricks. See our BioBricks. | |
Our new BioBrick has been demonstrated and characterizedWe have created BioBricks from the GECO proteins, these are demonstrated and characterized as shown here. This information has been entered in the registry. | |
Discovery FestivalWe organized an iGEM workshop on the Discovery Festival in the Netherlands in collaboration with 3 other Dutch iGEM teams: Amsterdam, Groningen and Wageningen_UR. To cooperate in this large project, the 4 teams met a couple of times on different locations in the Netherlands. Besides these meetings, we discussed a lot during several Skype meetings. We will take our visitors on a tour in our provisional laboratory, where they will learn about the process of genetic modification. The festival will take place in 3 cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Eindhoven, and over 5000 visitors are expected. More information can be found on the public outreach page. | |
DeviceWe made a working device and created elaborate software for it. | |
ModelA sensitivity analysis is performed to a basic calcium model, first used by the iGEM team of Valencia in 2009, so we found out which parameters are most sensitive. Furthermore, we made an extended calcium model, in which the kinetics of the calcium homeostasis, voltage-gated calcium channels and GECO proteins are taken into account. By combining these three characteristics, we created a model for a completely new system. | |
Yeast cellsIn the lab, we created three kinds yeast cells, containing both the channel proteins Cch1 and Mid1 and a red, green or blue GECO calcium sensor. |