Team:SEU A/Team


Revision as of 14:14, 25 September 2012 by Poetdevin (Talk | contribs)
iGEM 2012 SEU_A Human Practice

About Us

We are iGEMers from Southeast University, Nanjing.


   Prof. Zuhong Lu



Yue Hu
   Yue Hu

A decent girl native-born in this fascinating city, Nanjing. She is charismatic in leadership, owing her special appeal to fellows around her ,and able to promote her team members to fully develop their abilities. To insure the team’s sound operation cost this seemed a little delicate but persistent girl a vast of time and energy. As the saying goes: after the storm, we believe it is the same to her - after difficult training, the fruit of happiness will come to her eventually.

   Li Wang

Stubborn is the word I would like to leave to this girl and it meets her taste as well. She is a girl who would like to spend any her owes getting what she want. (That is enough for most of our life). Her work in this game varied constantly from experiment to human practice. This girl is considered agile but sometimes seems a little reckless. During this summer, she once kindled her right hand, but fortunately, her fond on experiment wasn’t buried out…

   Haoruo Jia

He is absolutely a genius in the area no matter whether it is his major! This can be testified by his masterwork of modeling in our group, considering its sophisticated reasoning and professional knowledge in biology, which used not to be his cup of tea. Meanwhile, as a rare male partner in our group, he keeps behaving with an outstanding manful manner, which encourages the remaining team members and provides a host of support in both physical labor and intellectual guidance.

   He Zhang

A quiet girl from Anhui Province. Her strength is on paper-related literature reading. In the first stage of preparation for competition, she was dedicated in the fundamental knowledge accumulation and project description. She is an independent lady and what she determines to do is always following her own procedure, invariable by others.

   Dan Mo

A girl adept in collecting and summarizing various information, completing heavy and complicated tasks, and providing unexpected ideals in particular area. With large experience in plasmid-extracting and germ culturing, she has developed into a meticulous and attentive expert in biomedical experiment. Been born in Yangzhou City of Jiangsu Province, a well-known beauty’s hometown, she is constantly a feast to our eyes.

   Dadi Zhao

He is a chivalrous boy, who is always refined and courteous to others, and a courageous youngster, who is majoring in biomedical engineering but devoted all his talent into the wiki-designing work, for the sake of the whole team. With a harsh and enduring practice, trial in webpage’s layout, learning JavaScript & CSS and color balance during his two months’ summer holiday, his challenging and innovative work has modeled him into a real versatile student both in science and liberal art.

Hongbo Xu
   Hongbo Xu

A smart boy from medical school. Having a good knowledge in medical science, he often acted as an adviser on the principle of our project. Even more remarkably, his perception in art is also superb and with many years’ learning and exercising, his freehand painting is brilliant, penetrating in the comprehension of the integrity and building it up visually to the paper. In our wiki pages, there are quite a few works coming from his hardworking.

   Rui Guan

A cute girl in our team, who owes a talent in plasmid selection, gene analysis and experiment design, and a peerless hunch in troubleshooting. During her hardworking time, she acquired a nickname, a little Pokemon, from our venerable and amiable senior fellow apprentice, Chunpeng He. Rui is also characterized as a tenacious girl, with a strong will in doing what she likes to do.

   Shenglan Zeng

An energetic girl with appreciative long hair. In the period of project completing, she devoted most of her time in the team, laborious and selfless in the game, while she also did a good job in her own curriculum. In her slim and petite figure, there is a mighty spirit wandering all the time. When we feel depressed and fatigued, her warm smile will cheer us up immediately, like a beam of light across the leaves of the tree layers.

   Xiao Han

A gentle belle with a strong science background. At first sight, this slender girl from the Huai River Basin may seem quiet, but actually she is a jubilant and lively girl who will bring delight to her cooperators, forming a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, reconciling mutually conflicting opinions from different people around her and reaching an agreement of problem solving. Her illustration in aesthetics improved our wiki design, whilst her proficient skill in science is never to be neglected on the modeling.

   Ye Ye

A girl good at communication. Her task is mainly in human practice. By contacting and exchanging experiences with the team from Nanjing University, she constructed the framework of this sub item. From her many friends’ view, she is an enthusiastic girl, even if first meeting with others, she can abridge the gap between unfamiliar people, promoting the harmony of the whole team.

Southeast University

Biomedical Engineer School, SEU | iGEM 2012

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