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Alejandro Hernández

Giovanni Garro

Miguel Rojas


Ricardo Alvarado Meza

  • Also known as Richie, Richy y Raro, and a 22 year old final year student of Engineering in Biotecnology at ITCR. From Cartago, Ricardo is also considered a Proffesional Geek. He is interested in synthetic biology, bionanotechnology, bioinformatics, tissue engineering and pharmacogenetics, but also likes to read science fiction books and / or fantasy, eat, watch anime, read manga, eat, solve all kinds of puzzles, try on new programs and eating. Seriously, eat a lot. And all of it with lots of lemon juice on.
  • He's developed various theories, among which we can name Quantum theory of female behavior, the Unified theory on the wood, nails, thumbtacks and others, the Theory about men and their variants and finally the Theory of random thinking. With lots of patience, he's a 9 gagger that loves science, his computer, lemon juice and miso soup. He is also known to be a food parasite that feeds on other people's food... and of others.


David García Gómez

  • He is a mistery. Believes in Anarchy, has extremely long hair and is known for saying 'yare-yare'. Also, he has an almost unhealthy obsession about Pennywise, the IT clown.


Jorengeth Abad Rodríguez Rodríguez

  • Known as Don Abad, he is a Golfito native with a degree in biology with emphasis on biotechnology from UNA Among his areas of interest we can find microbial biotechnology, production of metabolites, bioprospecting, bioinformatics and industrial production.
  • Likes strategy games, fishing, learning fun facts, random books, exploring, swimming y sometimes cooking. For some reason, he always seems happy.


Marcial Fernández

  • He is a student from UNA.


Verónica Delgado Hernández

  • She is known as Vero or "La Vero", is 23 yo and comes from Heredia. A TEC graduate, has a bachelor degree in Engineering in Biotechnology. Among her areas of interest there's synthetic biology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, microbial biotechnology, entrepreneurship, and finally, intellectual property.
  • Loves reading novels, watching movies, working out and walking, traveling, cooking and eating good food, besides thinking and thinking and memory games.
  • It is said she sleeps a lot, and at first glance she appears to be serious, but is also a matter of knowing her.

María Carolina Castro Peña

  • Known as Carito, Negris y Negrita, she's 22 years old and comes from Liberia, Guanacaste. She's a TEC student on Engineering in Biotechnology and her favorite areas are Pharmacogenetics and Molecular Biology.
  • Likes playing basketball, the beach, the countryside, and reading under the shade of a tree.
  • Gets a little stressed over cleaning.

Jazmin Meza Torres

Kevin Andrés Mata Brenes

  • Nicknamed as Kev or Andrecito, he´s a 20-year-old Cartago TEC student, also on Engineering in Biotechnology. He's interested in Biochemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Immunohematology, Epidemiology and Human Virology.
  • Among his hobbies we can find writing, reading, playing videogames (mainly from the Survival Horror kind), philosophize, boardgames that involve strategy and concentration as well as skating. Loves ice cream and the rustle of leaves when stepped on. He absolutely loves the Resident Evil series.

Asdrúbal Mayorga Lamas

  • Everybody calls him 'Compañero'. From Bagaces, Guanacaste, he's a 22-year-old student on TEC's Engineering in Biotechnology career. His main interests are Molecular Biology, Bioprecesses, Plant Tissue Culture and Microbiology.
  • He enjoys swimming, running, reading, playing badminton, aviation, traveling, dogs and being on the beach with the sound of waves and the sea breeze.
  • Firm believer in God.

Lesli Natasha Mora Fonseca

  • From Alajuelita, San José. She's called 'Compañera', and she's on her last year on TEC's Engineering in Biotechnology. She's interested in epigenetics, molecular biology, genetic diseases and everything that has to do with DNA.
  • Loves horses, horseback riding, playing soccer, watching gymnastics competitions, traveling and trying to communicate with her horse Achilles.
  • Likes tanning, even if the sun does not like her,has always wanted to bellydance and an extremely sincere person. She wears showy and colorful sneakers.

Naizmi Valverde Porras

  • Her name is a little bit uncommon and hard to pronounce the first time so she's been called all kinds of "variants", including Nashville, Neshmi, Nezmi, Neizimi... but her friends usually call her Naiz. Another TEC student, and as the ones before her, also an Engineering in Biotech student. She´s 21 and is mainly interested in Microbiology, Nanotechnology, and Molecular Biology.
  • Loves sheep, stuffed animals, her dog Lily, videogames, anime, books, independen films, music and chess. Hates cockroaches. She says there are an internal obese person and also an internal anorexic person, both of them always causing her moral conflicts. She's continously apologizing...and did I already mentioned that she HATES cockroaches?

Tatiana Vargas Amador

  • Friends and family call her Tati, Tat, Tita, Ta, Tatiringa. She's 20 and comes from Heredia. One more Biotech student from TEC for the list and she likes Genetic Engineering and Microbiology.
  • Loves music, buying and reading books (mainly in english since they're cheaper!) and manga, watching movies, TV series, anime, playing videogames, cooking, drawing, painting, dancing and singing (even if she's not good at it). Silence is one of the many things that bothers her, so she's always saying random useless facts to fill the silence, and gets unreasonably nervous when it's her time to speak in front of an audience.
  • Most of the people think she's not a very nice person at first, because of her shyness,but after getting to know her better she's an outgoing, funny and nice person. But not when she's angry...

Johan Morales Sánchez

  • Estudiante 20 años de Ingeniería en Biotecnología en el ITCR y pseudo-estudiante de Microbiología y Química Clínica en la UCR, proveniente de Naranjo e interesado en la Ingeniería de Tejidos, la Ingeniería Genética, la Genética, la Microbiología y casi cualquier cosa del área de la biotecnología médica.
  • Adora simplemente no hacer nada, vegetar perdiendo el tiempo así como también le gustan el helado, los brownies, el chocolate y prácticamente cualquier cosa dulce. Las ollas prenden espontáneamente cuando cocina y los utensilios electrónicos dejan de servir luego de usarlos por un tiempo, especialmente los celulares.
  • Fue Scout por mucho tiempo, y no le gusta que la gente lo toque.

Wendy Bryan Quirós

  • También conocida como Wen, tiene 20 años de edad y cursa su último año de Ingeniería en Biotecnología en el ITCR, es de Siquirres y le interesan, como ella dice: "bioprocesos, microorganismos, bioprocesos con microorganismos!!! microorganismos en un bioproceso!!!" y el control biológico.
  • Le gusta leer, ver películas y series, le encanta Benedetti y disfruta las cosas pequeñas de la vida. Sus películas favoritas con Amelie y Charlie y la Fábrica de Chocolates, aunque no le gustan los chocolates. Tampoco le gustan las mariposas.
  • No le gustan las personas que no saludan, los abejones ni las historias de terror, ama Harry Potter, a las vacas y a los gnomos. Es genial imitando a otras personas.

Gerardo Madrigal Monge

  • No tiene sobrenombre conocido a sus 19 años y proviene de Curridabat. Estudia Ingeniería en Materiales en el TEC. Le gusta desenmascarar los misterios del Universo…y todo lo relativo a materiales (polímeros, metales, microelectrónica).
  • Le encanta el anime y el manga, leer buenos libros, jugar videojuegos y armar puzles. Las artes marciales y la música forman parte de su vida. Además, disfruta escuchar metal y ver las noches de luna llena.
  • Es el miembro con menor edad en el equipo y nos ha enseñado que con la glicerina se puede hacer más que jabón.