Team:TU Munich/Results/RFC


Revision as of 15:01, 21 September 2012 by Dwehner (Talk | contribs)

This team completed TU Munich's survey on Standardization of BioBrick part descriptions


The Idea: Its all about standardization...

Text describing the idea.

The Survey: Integrating community opinions...

The presented survey aimed to verify if there is a need for better BioBrick part descriptions (question 4 ), if it is belived that standardization of part descriptions could help to improove the situation (questions 5) and if the iGEM community is interested in testing a template for standardized part descriptions as presented by our team (question 6). The last two questions (question 7 and 8) were intended to collect usefull ideas how to improve our first blueprint of a standardized BioBrick part description template.

The survey can be found under: [ iGEM TU Munich's survey on standardization of BioBrick part descriptions]

Outline data of the survey:

  • Start of the survey: 14th september 2012
  • End of the survey: 20th september 2012
  • Number of participants: 147 people participated in the survey; thereof 78,9% (116 participants) completed the survey
  • Number of involved teams: 55
  • Distribution channels: The survey was sent to all contact addresses of iGEM Teams from this year, posted on iGEM 2012's Community Page and posted on our as well on the iGEM Headquarters twitter account.

Question 1 and 2:

TUM12 Survey1and2.jpg


List of participating iGEM teams
Bielefeld-Germany Colombia UCSF BioscienceDragons_AZ Lyon-INSA
WLC-Milwaukee Wisconsin-Madison ZJU-China Goettingen Bonn
Missouri_Miners British_Columbia Potsdam_Bioware UNAM_Genomics_Mexico Frankfurt
Minnesota Costa_Rica-TEC-UNA NTNU_Trondheim Buenos_Aires SUSTC-Shenzhen-B
MIT Johns_Hopkins-Wetware ULB-Brussels UNITN-Trento Valencia
OUC-China METU Nevada Arizona_State Fatih-Medical
CINVESTAV-IPN-UNAM_MX Slovenia UANL_Mty-Mexico TU_Darmstadt UC_Chile
RHIT Utah_State Austin_Texas Caltech Duke
Johns_Hopkins-Software SUSTC-Shenzhen-A HKUST-Hong_Kong Wageningen_UR Berkeley
Bordeaux Groningen Queens_Canada Tec-Monterrey_EKAM Virginia
Tuebingen Waterloo Valencia_Biocampus TU_Munich Marburg_SYNMIKRO

World map indicating the geographical origin of the participating teams:

Participants of TU München iGEM 2012 survey auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Question 3:

TUM12 Survey2.jpg


TUM12 Question 3.png

Question 4:

TUM12 Survey3.jpg


TUM12 Question 4.png

Question 5:

TUM12 Survey4.jpg


TUM12 Question 5.png

Question 6:

TUM12 Survey5.jpg


TUM12 Question 6.png

Question 7:

TUM12 Survey6.jpg


TUM12 Survey7.jpg

Rewarding the participation in our survey

This team completed TU Munich's survey on Standardization of BioBrick part descriptions

As a small present and to highlight their help in improving our attempt for standardization of BioBrick part descriptions we sent these badge to everyone in the iGEM community that participated in our survey and entered a contact email in Question 2. The sentence [!/1453/ "O'zapft is!" yearly follows the traditional ritual of tapping the first barrel of Oktoberfest-beer] and is the official start of the Oktoberfest that takes place in Munich.
Additionally to this badge we ruffled a typical bavarian present among all participants of our survey.

Interpretation and conclusion from the survey


The result: Our Request for Comments (RFC)

Our RFC will be presented as soon as the the imput from the survey is integrated.